Hi All -
One of my terminals at one of our sites is exiting Aloha and rebooting on a random basis.
The Debout on the term looks like this every time:
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"net shutdown!"
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"HANGUP: return code 08"
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"Canceling datagrams..."
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"Canceling datagrams second time..."
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"Dropping names..."
My guess is a flaky network connection? Is this right or is something else causing this?
If something else what do I need to do? I am told the shutdowns have increased in frequency. Only change I have made to Aloha recently was logging the FOH terms on with the same Admin account as on the BOH to get EDC to auto-recover properly.
The BOH is not logged into with the XP admin account, I set up a separate user account and just run the services with the Admin account.
One of my terminals at one of our sites is exiting Aloha and rebooting on a random basis.
The Debout on the term looks like this every time:
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"net shutdown!"
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"HANGUP: return code 08"
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"Canceling datagrams..."
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"Canceling datagrams second time..."
Mar 05, 14:29:37, [1500], [INFO],,"Dropping names..."
My guess is a flaky network connection? Is this right or is something else causing this?
If something else what do I need to do? I am told the shutdowns have increased in frequency. Only change I have made to Aloha recently was logging the FOH terms on with the same Admin account as on the BOH to get EDC to auto-recover properly.
The BOH is not logged into with the XP admin account, I set up a separate user account and just run the services with the Admin account.