I have an AlohaQS system running 6.7.38 with two Radiant P1220 terminals. The system had a P1520 on it which I removed about a year ago. I just reinstalled the third terminal today and I quickly noticed how much faster the screen is. The P1520 screen registers every single tap I make on the screen, and it seems to have much greater sensitivity. With the P1220s I can't tap more than once per half second; if I try to tap, say, 4 times per second it will skip every other one. I also have to use more force to get a tap to register on the screen of the P1220s.
Is there a software setting to determine the sensitivity of the screens and the maximum speed at which I can tap, or is this strictly a hardware limitation? If there is a setting, either in Windows or in Aloha Manager, could someone point me in the right direction?
Is there a software setting to determine the sensitivity of the screens and the maximum speed at which I can tap, or is this strictly a hardware limitation? If there is a setting, either in Windows or in Aloha Manager, could someone point me in the right direction?