Technical User
on a newish pc which i have installed Aloha running on windows xp embedded pos ready 2009
I get a message
Cannot locate Master Terminal, Trying to recover
in a red boxed message covering the whole screen.
Also the designated printer an epson u200 starts typing out ????? and other crap
and a message is displayed that the kitchen printer is out of paper and
it auto reroutes to our Pizza Printer.
The error message is still in background.
If I terminate the application. I can ping to all of my other terminals (3 of)
I can also do a directory list from \\term1\bootdrv and the other terminals. So it knows my
network which it is a member.
If I check DEBOUT.001 on the Backoffice Server I see a message
Listen: connected to Node 2
Recieve Failure: Node 2 code OA command 95
and a whole series of these errors repeated until I terminated the app on Term2.
I get a message
Cannot locate Master Terminal, Trying to recover
in a red boxed message covering the whole screen.
Also the designated printer an epson u200 starts typing out ????? and other crap
and a message is displayed that the kitchen printer is out of paper and
it auto reroutes to our Pizza Printer.
The error message is still in background.
If I terminate the application. I can ping to all of my other terminals (3 of)
I can also do a directory list from \\term1\bootdrv and the other terminals. So it knows my
network which it is a member.
If I check DEBOUT.001 on the Backoffice Server I see a message
Listen: connected to Node 2
Recieve Failure: Node 2 code OA command 95
and a whole series of these errors repeated until I terminated the app on Term2.