Technical User
Looking to the experts for this one.
We have a bar and sell vodka (among 2,000 other liquor items). When you select vodka there is an unforced modifier for the types of vodka. Lets say someone selects a vodka for $5 and selects a Grey Goose modifier for $3, I would like the pmix report to show it as one item. Currently it shows up as a Grey Goose $3 and a separate Vodka $5. This is a problem and appears that two drinks were sold. How can I configure the items or reports to show a vodka modified by grey goose for a combined total of $8? I am simplifying right now, but we have an extremely extensive menu with multiple pour sizes, so making each combination possibility a unique item is not an option at all. My question is can it be done and reported when entered as an item plus a modifier.
I know one of you experts can figure this out! I have never had a problem unsolved on this board!!
Thanks in advance.
We have a bar and sell vodka (among 2,000 other liquor items). When you select vodka there is an unforced modifier for the types of vodka. Lets say someone selects a vodka for $5 and selects a Grey Goose modifier for $3, I would like the pmix report to show it as one item. Currently it shows up as a Grey Goose $3 and a separate Vodka $5. This is a problem and appears that two drinks were sold. How can I configure the items or reports to show a vodka modified by grey goose for a combined total of $8? I am simplifying right now, but we have an extremely extensive menu with multiple pour sizes, so making each combination possibility a unique item is not an option at all. My question is can it be done and reported when entered as an item plus a modifier.
I know one of you experts can figure this out! I have never had a problem unsolved on this board!!
Thanks in advance.