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ALOHA POS delete or adjust payments on one week old checks

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Technical User
Jan 9, 2006
ALOHA POS Hi, by mistake waiters entered a few tax exemptions and now that the days has passed in the sales reports in the BOH i see the exemptions. I would need to go and adjust the checks where we used the tax exemption. Also I would need to delete some petty cash.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Kentucky phone support-
"Mash the Kentrol key and hit scape."
Sorry for my absence lately, I went on a skiing trip to Mt Bachelor in Oregon and it was sweet!!

Anyway, if your dealer has a Radiant issued trans log viewer key, they can go in and change around some figures. This is generally looked down on since some restaraunts will do this to make their sales look smaller. But in your case it seems valid. I would call your dealer and ask them. If they don't have the capability I could probably do it for you (for a small fee!!). Let me know if you are interested and post your email.

Welcome back Adam!

There is technically one other solution, but depending on how familiar you are with Aloha from a technical perspective, it can get kinda messy. You could do it the way I do--the poor mans way :)

As long as it wasn't too long ago that this happened (for reasons I wont go into), you could do something similar to this (This is an overview-- I may some info here for simplicities sake, but to give you an idea):

1) After your EOD is run, and before your store opens and anyone is clocked in, stop the front of house from the back office. The take the transaction log from the day in question, and paste it into your DATA directory (Back it up somewhere else, on the desktop, where ever--just to be safe).

2) Restart the front of house.

3) On the front of house, the info in the transaction log should look exactly the day in question, but with everyone clocked out.

4) Using a manager number, you can then use the front of house to delete clock out of employees, and reopen their checks. You can manipulate this data as well as you could as if it was still that day (minus credit card stuff).

5) When you're done, paste this transaction log back into the dated subdiretory where is belongs, and regrind it there.

6) Restart the front of house to get things going.

I've done this, but only for important reasons. In other words, I wouldn't advise it unless it's really important that the data be "corrected". If your reaction to this more along the lines of you'd like to have, but it's not a huge deal, then I would not bother.

Also, if you don't know what a tranaction log or dated subdirectory is (as they pertain to Aloha), or aren't familiar with the front of house functions I mentioned, I would try it either. In this case, hire Adam. He is no doubt broke after the ski trip, and will probably work cheap. :)
wow guys, thanks a lot for your quick response. I will take a look into it. I wish i could be there in person to shake hands with you. You are both jenius. ;)
Uhhh, guys. You need to be careful what you post on this forum and who is reading the postings. We tell all our customers no, it can not be done. Why you ask? Because this guy who started the thread is probably just a store manager wording his questions carefully as to learn how to skim from the merchant, and now you may have just taught someone how to steal. As you did mention, unless it is something of upmost importance, then we dial in and bring it to our office and make the adjustments.


Kentucky phone support-
"Mash the Kentrol key and hit scape."
Bo, I think you're right, but slightly for different reasons. I hope that Fedrighini realizes there are some minor details missing in post, that if not addressed, could cause serious problems. I didnt leave steps out intentionally, but I didn't want to sit there all night typing a technical manual. There are also certain complications that arise that can be pretty unpredictable, and they probably shouldn't be attempted by any other than someone who is experienced with the technical end of Aloha. So after I posted, I questioned the wisdom of suggesting submitting that info--not because of theft--but because it could land an end-user in hot water if they try this, and then screw it up.

As far as the left thing goes, you may have a point, Bo. But my thoughts on that is a dishonest person is a dishonest person--they'll find another way to steal. There are much simpler was than this. And when a customers calls about guest check from two days ago that is mysteriously no longer in the system. Or someone goes to edit punches and sees the times all screwed up because someone went in and clocked out employees to reopen the guest checks, etc(the list goes on in terms of things this can screw up if you're not careful, I can't even name them all)--someone stealing this way will undoutedly be caught. Probably quickly, too. Like I said, I wouldn't even bother with this unless it was something REALLY important, as the potential for other problems, as well as the pain in a$# factor are just way too high.
Very true Bo.

But if he were to hire me to do this work for him, I would only fix the above mistakes. Deleting a tax exemption would make him have to pay more taxes to the state. I could lose my dealer license for helping a business skim money. So, I understand your concern, but I've got it covered. I've got the tools to do it, and I've got ethics that I work by. I get a few requests to do dishonest things, but I've got a family to support and it's not worth it to risk how I make a living.

I am sure you are both honest and good people. I was just saying be careful.
Sometimes I don't even post to some threads. And just wanted to point out possible reprocussions from technical info falling into the wrong hands.
It's just a judgement call in most cases. This is Tek-Tips not an Aloha support forum for end-users that don't know what they are doing. I mean this in the nicest way possible, I am not ranting or pointing fingers. Please don't think I am upset, I am just having fun posting and chatting...[peace]We're Cool!!


Kentucky phone support-
"Mash the Kentrol key and hit scape."
Not at all, dude. You guys are always helpful, and are usually answering more questions than you're asking. Guess that makes me the village idiot. :) I especially think it's cool for you guys to offer help, because you guys are affiliated with dealers. A lot of dealers (of any software, not just aloha), want to restrict and horde information, so people can call them and we can make money. Don't get me wrong... I realize this is business, and we all have to make a living... to a point. And you don't want to basically train someone to become a competitor. But the truth is, I perodically searched the internet for about 2 or 3 years, on and off, looking for something like board like this, to ask even the simplest questions. And I only recently came across this about 5 months ago. So, this forum wasn't the easiet thing to find. Only the fringe guys, who are really unhappy with their dealers or who have no choice but to fix it themselves, are going to be on here.

Besides, that was nothing compared to your bitter credit card rant! ;)


I don't know how many times I have had to look up some Windows error on google. I figure if people don't answer those questions, I probably wouldn't have learned much about how to fix computer problems.

I love this forum, the reseller forum can get pretty boring. I've been on other forums and it's mostly salesman pushing their product. I like how this one actually has people who want to help. Keep it up guys!!


PS Just wondering how much you guys charge for aloha onsite support. We charge 100 an hour, not sure where we stand!!
Ok, thank you very much for your worries. Honestly speaking i am not trying to steal anymoney from anybody, in fact i am a really honest person and i never stole anything in my life. I posted in this because first i cannot afford to call aloha to fix the problem, they charge a fortune and i would have to pay from my paycheck because the mistake with the tax exemption was mine. I just started this new job a few months ago and even thogh i am pretty familiar with the system i was not "pretty" familiar with the policy of the company where i work. So that's why i am trying to fix the problem on my own. I would probably opt to ask AdamDR to help if he gave me a break.

thanks to all of you

Fedrighini, no worries. Computer work is expensive, and some people just can't afford it. It's a tough situation, so I don't blame you for trying to do it yourself. I just had the fuel pump replace on our service van, and because of what a pain the butt it is to do, it cost me a $1000. I was like "Holy Crap!" But, then I think about some of the bills we've had to charge people, and what I can say without sounding like a hippocrat. Service is not cheap.

If you're a full fledged Aloha dealer, Adam, I would say you're on the low side, but not too bad. We are also $100/hr. But in all fairness, I can't provide everything you can in terms of Aloha software. So, I sort of figure we have to be a little less when it comes to direct competition with our local Radiant dealer. Aside from that, I would say the average dealer is about $120ish, sometimes discounted to $100 for customers who need onsite support, but purchase a yearly phone support contract.

We charge $100 during business hours and $150 for late night and Sundays. That is not expensive for on site service.
Car mechanics charge almost $100\hr and you have to bring it to them. We flat rate periphials, $175 for epson printers, $395 for a computer (hourly if it is a virus issue). We do not sell nor service office printers, cut service calls in half.


Kentucky phone support-
"Mash the Kentrol key and hit scape."
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