I believe that gold means it doesn't contain what they call level 1 and level 2 bugs. Level one bugs cause the system to crash and level 2 bugs are bad for the business, things like reports that don't balance or chits that don't print right etc. Enhanced, I believe, means it has special request incorparated into it for specific request, like being able to print kitchen chits in chinese or something along those lines. Maybe one of the other Aloha gurus can be more specific, but it something along these lines and I do not know the Aloha's actual defenition of each, and haven't seen it in print anywhere.
Kentucky phone support-
"Mash the Kentrol key and hit scape."
From the posts on the reseller forum, this is what I understand. Since this is a new release policy from Aloha, we're all learning the scheme! Enhanced means that The RFCs(Request for Change) and the new "enhanced" features are included. Gold means that just the RFCs are included. Hope that helps.
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