Hello! I'm rather intermediate when it comes to Aloha. That being said, as of 6 AM PST we have been unable to get anything working with EDC. Our batch said approved with a blank auth. Transactions didn't clear. I removed the settled file and tried again but to no avail.
I am stuck in a loop of EDC not updating transactions authorized in FOH while maintaining our original balance in BOH. I was brought on to this error late this evening and have tried everything I can think of to remedy... I've removed HLD and ANS files in bootdrv and attempted to batch, tried removing all txn files and attempted to batch, etc.
From the debout it seems this error correlates to a SSL Certificate issue. I've installed all Windows security updates in an attempt to correct the issue, but again no luck.
Here is a DEBOUT:
Dec 28, 06:17:57.721, [0 - ], [Information],,"WARNING: Generating new date and time fields."
Dec 28, 06:17:57.737, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"File creation time is shown as 12/28/16 06:17:57"
Dec 28, 06:17:57.737, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
rocessRequestFile: FOUND: D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.REQ, size = 173"
Dec 28, 06:17:57.737, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
rocessRequestFile: --1 about to process .req file: D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.REQ"
Dec 28, 06:17:57.752, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
rocessTxnFile: --2 txn stored. (renamed to HLD)"
Dec 28, 06:17:57.768, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
rocessTxnFile: --3 .req file processed."
Dec 28, 06:17:57.830, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Transactions:
reProcessTxn() begin"
Dec 28, 06:17:57.830, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CEngine:
rocessStoredTxn() - after 'PreProcessTxn(*parms)"
Dec 28, 06:17:57.830, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Transactions:
rocessTxn: CES[1]"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.158, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62) INVALID_SERVER_CERT"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.158, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Error while sending over Datawire Secure Transport: Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.158, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"CEngine::BuildBatchHeaderForVXN - ERROR: Failed to send Batch Header record."
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CESEngine:
ostTxnProcess - begin,"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CESEngine:
ostTxnProcess - end"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CEngine:
rocessStoredTxn() - after 'ProcessTxn(*parms)"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CEngine:
rocessFinishedTxn() - "
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Information],,"LastTxnNumber before increment is: 37"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.220, [6 - IPNManager], [Information],,"LastTxnNumber after increment is: 38"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.251, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Writing D:\AlohaEDC\CES\TXN00038..."
Dec 28, 06:17:58.267, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"WriteAnswerFile(): WRITE: D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.WRK"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.298, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"WriteAnswerFile(): WROTE: D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.WRK, size = 318"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.298, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"WriteAnswerFile(): RENAME D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.ANS"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.735, [0 - ], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.735, [0 - ], [Notice],,"Deleted Back Office file (D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.ANS) successfully"
Dec 28, 06:22:36.262, [0 - ], [Notice],,"ALOHABOH","User 977 has run Functions | Settle Batch"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.212, [0 - ], [Notice],,"ALOHABOH","Select Processor","User 977 has selected CES to settle batch"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.961, [0 - ], [Notice],,"ALOHABOH","Confirm","User 977 has settled batch for processor CES"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.961, [0 - ], [Notice],,"Settle batch: 1"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.961, [0 - ], [Information],,"WARNING: Generating new date and time fields."
Dec 28, 06:22:38.992, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"File creation time is shown as 12/28/16 06:22:38"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.992, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
rocessRequestFile: FOUND: D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.REQ, size = 173"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.992, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
rocessRequestFile: --1 about to process .req file: D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.REQ"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.992, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
rocessTxnFile: --2 txn stored. (renamed to HLD)"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.023, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
rocessTxnFile: --3 .req file processed."
Dec 28, 06:22:39.070, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Transactions:
reProcessTxn() begin"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.070, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CEngine:
rocessStoredTxn() - after 'PreProcessTxn(*parms)"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.070, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Transactions:
rocessTxn: CES[1]"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.398, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62) INVALID_SERVER_CERT"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.398, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Error while sending over Datawire Secure Transport: Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.413, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.413, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"CEngine::BuildBatchHeaderForVXN - ERROR: Failed to send Batch Header record."
Any help is very much appreciated!
I am stuck in a loop of EDC not updating transactions authorized in FOH while maintaining our original balance in BOH. I was brought on to this error late this evening and have tried everything I can think of to remedy... I've removed HLD and ANS files in bootdrv and attempted to batch, tried removing all txn files and attempted to batch, etc.
From the debout it seems this error correlates to a SSL Certificate issue. I've installed all Windows security updates in an attempt to correct the issue, but again no luck.
Here is a DEBOUT:
Dec 28, 06:17:57.721, [0 - ], [Information],,"WARNING: Generating new date and time fields."
Dec 28, 06:17:57.737, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"File creation time is shown as 12/28/16 06:17:57"
Dec 28, 06:17:57.737, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
Dec 28, 06:17:57.737, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
Dec 28, 06:17:57.752, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
Dec 28, 06:17:57.768, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
Dec 28, 06:17:57.830, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Transactions:
Dec 28, 06:17:57.830, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CEngine:
Dec 28, 06:17:57.830, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Transactions:
Dec 28, 06:17:58.158, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62) INVALID_SERVER_CERT"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.158, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Error while sending over Datawire Secure Transport: Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.158, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"CEngine::BuildBatchHeaderForVXN - ERROR: Failed to send Batch Header record."
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CESEngine:
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CESEngine:
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CEngine:
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CEngine:
Dec 28, 06:17:58.173, [6 - IPNManager], [Information],,"LastTxnNumber before increment is: 37"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.220, [6 - IPNManager], [Information],,"LastTxnNumber after increment is: 38"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.251, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Writing D:\AlohaEDC\CES\TXN00038..."
Dec 28, 06:17:58.267, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"WriteAnswerFile(): WRITE: D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.WRK"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.298, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"WriteAnswerFile(): WROTE: D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.WRK, size = 318"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.298, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"WriteAnswerFile(): RENAME D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.ANS"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.735, [0 - ], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:17:58.735, [0 - ], [Notice],,"Deleted Back Office file (D:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC\10000000.ANS) successfully"
Dec 28, 06:22:36.262, [0 - ], [Notice],,"ALOHABOH","User 977 has run Functions | Settle Batch"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.212, [0 - ], [Notice],,"ALOHABOH","Select Processor","User 977 has selected CES to settle batch"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.961, [0 - ], [Notice],,"ALOHABOH","Confirm","User 977 has settled batch for processor CES"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.961, [0 - ], [Notice],,"Settle batch: 1"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.961, [0 - ], [Information],,"WARNING: Generating new date and time fields."
Dec 28, 06:22:38.992, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"File creation time is shown as 12/28/16 06:22:38"
Dec 28, 06:22:38.992, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
Dec 28, 06:22:38.992, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
Dec 28, 06:22:38.992, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
Dec 28, 06:22:39.023, [5 - RequestManager], [Notice],,"RequestManager:
Dec 28, 06:22:39.070, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Transactions:
Dec 28, 06:22:39.070, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"CEngine:
Dec 28, 06:22:39.070, [6 - IPNManager], [Notice],,"Transactions:
Dec 28, 06:22:39.398, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62) INVALID_SERVER_CERT"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.398, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Error while sending over Datawire Secure Transport: Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.413, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"Network Error. (VXN: 62)"
Dec 28, 06:22:39.413, [6 - IPNManager], [Error],,"CEngine::BuildBatchHeaderForVXN - ERROR: Failed to send Batch Header record."
Any help is very much appreciated!