I broke something!
Aloha Delivery ver. 5.27.2 (this is not an aloha version, it's the fastech version)
Doing a file server replacement, Win2k is the OS on both old and new.
While working on transferring files from the old server to the new server, I accidentally copied the backoffice\ds folder from old to new. This is the folder that contains the customer database and the executables for Aloha Backoffice components. The actual backoffice application is in the backoffice root, called Fastech5.exe.
Now, whenever I try to start anything in the Aloha Backoffice application - example: System Parameters - and whenever I try to start the delivery interface, I get the following error:
429: ActiveX component can't create object.
That's all it says.
If I lookup the error in the RKS, I get a similar response that refers to the region/language setup on the server. THIS IS NOT THE PROBLEM. That is setup correctly.
We actually spent a lot of time on this once upon a time when we were trying to figure out how to import the old delivery database into a replacement situation like this. After weeks of trying, our answer was to tell sites that they could use this as an "opportunity" to "cleanup" their customer contacts by starting over. (Translation: SOL, oh well)
So now I am facing a situation where I would have to send them the install CD and reinstall delivery to get it working (this solution is proven).
However, I would rather avoid that, and since I have been active on this forum lately, I thought, "Hey, why not ask them!"
So, anyone got any thoughts?