I am implementing adding a popup calendar to a datagrid and I have everything working as it should however I would like the image that fires off the popup to appear in a different location withing my datagrid.
Int32 iLastCellIndex = e.Item.Cells.Count-1;
String sLink2 = "<a href=\"javascriptickDate('" +
sTextBoxName2 + "');\"><IMG SRC=\"images/iCalendar.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a>"; //The HTML to add to the Edit cell
e.Item.Cells[iLastCellIndex].Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sLink2)); //Add the HTML
this obviously adds it to the end of the already created controls...
is there a way to insert the control in the middle of those controls so that the image for the calendar popup appears next to the textbox to which the value for the date will be returned. Any help would be greatly appreciated and as I am all googled out...
Int32 iLastCellIndex = e.Item.Cells.Count-1;
String sLink2 = "<a href=\"javascriptickDate('" +
sTextBoxName2 + "');\"><IMG SRC=\"images/iCalendar.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a>"; //The HTML to add to the Edit cell
e.Item.Cells[iLastCellIndex].Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sLink2)); //Add the HTML
this obviously adds it to the end of the already created controls...
is there a way to insert the control in the middle of those controls so that the image for the calendar popup appears next to the textbox to which the value for the date will be returned. Any help would be greatly appreciated and as I am all googled out...