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almost got string into 2 dimensional array need a little help 1

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Jun 14, 2001
Here is all my code for this section

Dim reportArray() As String
Dim reportstring(0, 4) As String
Dim Report As String
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
cnt = 0
Open "file.txt" For Input As #4

x = 0
Do Until (EOF(4))
Line Input #4, iCopyString
reportArray = Split(iCopyString, ",", -1)
For i = 0 To 4

****below is error array already dimensioned****
reportstring(x, i) = reportArray(i)

cnt = cnt + 1
ReDim reportstring(x + 1, 4)
x = x + 1

Close #4
**** This is just to show me its working *****

Load frmError
iCopyString = ""
For i = 0 To cnt
For x = 0 To 4
iCopyString = iCopyString & reportstring(i, x) & " "
iCopyString = iCopyString & vbCrLf
frmError.Text1.Text = iCopyString

I am trying to move a csv file into a two dimensional array so that I can take the parts of the array I need along with other info and write it to a new file. Problem is I do not know the number of lines in the csv file (it changes daily)
can any help

If I understand you correctly, you want to parse out the elements of a csv file into a 2-d array. Here is some general stuff:

dim fil as integer
dim fName as string
dim upper as long, i as long,j as long 'indices
dim rawFile as string 'Holds the entire contents of the file
dim rawSplit() as string 'the file split up on a line per line basis
dim oneLine() as string 'used to hold the tokens for one line
dim reportArray() as string ' the 2d array that holds X lines and 0 to 4 elements per line

fil = FreeFile 'get the next free file number
fName = "file.txt"

'open the file and dump the contents into the rawfile variable

Open fName For Binary As #fFile
rawFile = String$(LOF(fFile), 32)
Get #fFile, 1, rawFile
Close #fFile
'A Note on the above method, it works for large files. I tried it with a 50 meg file on a computer with 128 Mb of ram and it worked file.

rawSplit = Split(rawFile, vbCrLf) 'split the file up by lines

upper = ubound(rawSplit) 'the number of lines in the file
redim reportArray(0 to upper, 0 to 4)

for i = 0 to upper
oneline = split(rawsplit(i),",")
for j = 0 to 4
reportArray(i,j) = oneline(j)
next j
next i

Good Luck, Hope this helps....

Troy Williams B.Eng.

I (together with others) posted a solution based on the FileSystemObject that may fit your requirements in thread222-51020 _________________________________
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. [attributed to Yogi Berra]
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