I am developing a program that runs an old emulator for some older type video game systems.
I want to be able to allow the process to be launched multiple times or maybe up to 10 instances of this to be running at one time in separate windows.
My current code is:
I want to be able to allow the process to be launched multiple times or maybe up to 10 instances of this to be running at one time in separate windows.
My current code is:
Dim MessProcess As New ProcessStartInfo
MessProcess.WorkingDirectory = txtMessDir.Text
MessProcess.FileName = "mess "
If cmbROM.SelectedIndex = 5 Then
MessProcess.Arguments = sp & GV.rom & GV.joy & GV.slot2 & GV.slot3 & GV.slot4 & GV.slot5 & GV.slot6 & GV.slot7 & GV.slot8 & hdi & fdi
MessProcess.Arguments = sp & GV.rom & " -gromport " & GV.cartconfig & ci & GV.joy & GV.slot2 & GV.slot3 & GV.slot4 & GV.slot5 & GV.slot6 & GV.slot7 & GV.slot8 & hdi & fdi
End If
MessProcess.FileName = "mess.exe"