I want to add a customer history facility to an existing database. All the customer details are already held but I want to add a contact date, service used, staff member involved and comments.
The comments field causes me the most difficulty as it could contain no text or lots of text. If I use a memo field will this reserve a large number of bytes which could be empty there by wasteing space on the database. Perhaps a memo field allocates space dynamically and reserves only what is needed.
Also will a memo field facilate searching the text for words or phrases.
I want to add a customer history facility to an existing database. All the customer details are already held but I want to add a contact date, service used, staff member involved and comments.
The comments field causes me the most difficulty as it could contain no text or lots of text. If I use a memo field will this reserve a large number of bytes which could be empty there by wasteing space on the database. Perhaps a memo field allocates space dynamically and reserves only what is needed.
Also will a memo field facilate searching the text for words or phrases.