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All the XML files are corrupt, or something

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Nov 1, 2002
Using ASP, I have the following code which views RSS files. But, recently. every single RSS file that I have connected to is corrupt. I get errors telling me the <hr> tag in the beginning doesn't match the </table> tag at the end.

I'm really confused why this doesn't work.

Any help is appreciated.

<!-- SAMPLE XML -->
Dim xmlObj,xmlHTTP,objRoot,objLinks,objChannel,objChild
Dim i,arrFeeds(),arrFeed,strMyName,strXMLfile,strFile,intDelay,strXML,strTemp,strNewsfile
Dim blnCache,objFSO,objFolder,objFile,blnFound,strCache

Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;)
strMyName = Request.ServerVariables(&quot;SCRIPT_NAME&quot;)
strNewsfile = strRSSURL 'File that the URL and feed names are stored in
intDelay = 30 'Time-to-live for cached XML files
blnCache = False 'True = Cache files; False = Get file every time

'Creates a timestamp string
Function GetDateTime()
If Month(Now) < 10 Then GetDateTime = GetDateTime & &quot;0&quot; & Month(Now) Else GetDateTime = GetDateTime & Month(Now)
If Day(Now) < 10 Then GetDateTime = GetDateTime & &quot;0&quot; & Day(Now) Else GetDateTime = GetDateTime & Day(Now)
GetDateTime = GetDateTime & Year(Now)
If Hour(Now) < 10 Then GetDateTime = GetDateTime & &quot;0&quot; & Hour(Now) Else GetDateTime = GetDateTime & Hour(Now)
If Minute(Now) < 10 Then GetDateTime = GetDateTime & &quot;0&quot; & Minute(Now) Else GetDateTime = GetDateTime & Minute(Now)
If Second(Now) < 10 Then GetDateTime = GetDateTime & &quot;0&quot; & Second(Now) Else GetDateTime = GetDateTime & Second(Now)
End Function

'Converts a GetDateTime() timestamp back to a date
Function SplitDateTime(strDate)
strTemp = Left(strDate, 4)
strDate = Right(strDate, 10)
SplitDateTime = Left(strTemp, 2) & &quot;/&quot; & Right(strTemp, 2)
strTemp = Left(strDate, 6)
strDate = Right(strDate, 4)
SplitDateTime = SplitDateTime & &quot;/&quot; & Left(strTemp, 4) & &quot; &quot; & Right(strTemp, 2) & &quot;:&quot; & Left(strDate, 2) & &quot;:&quot; & Right(strDate, 2)
End Function

'This function was designed to remove a tag or tag property.
'Specifically, items that cause parsing errors in the XMLDOM.
Function RemoveItem(strInput, strItem, strEnd)
Dim strRem
If InStr(strInput, strItem) > 0 Then
strRem = Mid(strInput,InStr(strInput,strItem),InStr(InStr(strInput,strItem) + Len(strItem),strInput,strEnd) - InStr(strInput,strItem) + 1)
RemoveItem = Replace(strInput, strRem, &quot;&quot;)
RemoveItem = strInput
End If
End Function

'If objFSO.FileExists(Server.MapPath(&quot;.&quot;) & &quot;/&quot; & strNewsfile) Then
' Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(&quot;.&quot;) & &quot;/&quot; & strNewsfile, 1, False)
' i = 0
' Do While Not objFile.AtEndOfStream
' ReDim Preserve arrFeeds(1,i)
' strTemp = objFile.Readline
' If Not Instr(strTemp, &quot;,&quot;) = 0 Then
' arrFeed = Split(strTemp, &quot;,&quot;)
' arrFeeds(0,i) = arrFeed(0)
' arrFeeds(1,i) = arrFeed(1)
' i = i + 1
' End If
' Loop
' ReDim arrFeeds(0,0)
' arrFeeds(0,0) = strRSSURL
' arrFeeds(0,1) = strRSSNAME
'End If

set xmlObj = Server.CreateObject(&quot;Microsoft.XMLDOM&quot;)

'For i = 0 to UBound(arrFeeds,2)
strXMLfile = strRSSURL
strFile = strRSSNAME
strCache = &quot;&quot;
blnFound = False

If blnCache Then 'Begin caching code
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(&quot;.&quot;))
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
If Right(objFile.Name, Len(strFile & &quot;.xml&quot;)) = strFile & &quot;.xml&quot; Then 'Do we have a match for the XML file?
If DateDiff(&quot;n&quot;, SplitDateTime(Left(objFile.Name, 14)), Now) < intDelay Then 'Is the file within the time-to-live?
If Not strCache = &quot;&quot; Then 'Have we found a cache file for this already?
If DateDiff(&quot;n&quot;, SplitDateTime(Left(objFile.Name, 14)), Now) < DateDiff(&quot;n&quot;, SplitDateTime(Left(strCache, 14)), Now) Then 'Is this file younger than the other one?
blnFound = True 'Yup. Delete the old one.
objFSO.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(&quot;./&quot; & strCache))
strCache = objFile.Name
Else 'Nope. Delete it.
End If
Else 'Haven't found one yet, this one will work for now.
blnFound = True
strCache = objFile.Name
End If
Else 'Too old. Delete it.
End If
End If
End If

If blnCache and blnFound Then 'We're caching files and we've found a cached file. Load it.
xmlObj.async = False
xmlObj.Load(Server.MapPath(&quot;./&quot; & strCache))
Else 'We're either not caching files, or we didn't find one. Get a new copy.
Set xmlHTTP = Server.CreateObject(&quot;Microsoft.XMLHTTP&quot;)
xmlHTTP.Open &quot;GET&quot;,strXMLfile,false
xmlHTTP.SetRequestHeader &quot;Content-type&quot;, &quot;text/xml&quot;

strXML = xmlHTTP.ResponseText

'Microsoft's XMLDOM can't handle encoding or doctypes too well,
'so I'm removing the appropriate tags and properties.
strXML = RemoveItem(strXML, &quot; encoding=&quot;&quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;)
strXML = RemoveItem(strXML, &quot;<!DOCTYPE&quot;, &quot;>&quot;)

'This loop changes every character to VB compatible characters.
'Since we're not changing encoding in the files, this will
'fix some errors. I know it's not efficient, but it works.
Dim x
For x = 1 to Len(strXML)
strXML = Left(strXML, x-1) & Chr(Asc(Mid(strXML, x, 1))) & Right(strXML, Len(strXML) - x)

xmlObj.async = False
Set xmlHTTP = Nothing
End If

'Got a problem? Handle it.
If Not xmlObj.parseError.errorCode = 0 then
With xmlObj.parseError
Response.Write &quot;[&quot; & strFile & &quot;] Error: &quot; & .reason & &quot;<BR>&quot; & VbCrLf
Response.Write &quot;[&quot; & strFile & &quot;] Line: &quot; & .line & &quot; (&quot; & .linepos & &quot;) - &quot; & .srcText & &quot;<BR>&quot; & VbCrLf
End With

'If we're caching and we don't have a cached file, create one.
If blnCache and Not blnFound and Len(strXML) > 0 Then xmlObj.Save(Server.MapPath(&quot;..&quot;) & &quot;/data/&quot; & GetDateTime & &quot;_&quot; & strFile & &quot;.xml&quot;)

'Start dumping parsed XML into the Response.Buffer
Response.Write &quot;<table>&quot; & VbCrLf
set objRoot = xmlObj.documentElement 'Set the root of the XML object
set objChannel = objRoot.selectSingleNode(&quot;channel&quot;) 'Get the channel object for newsfeed info
set objLinks = objRoot.getElementsByTagName(&quot;item&quot;) 'Get a collection of all the items in the channel

'Dump the channel info into the buffer
Response.Write &quot;<thead><a href=&quot;&quot;&quot; & objChannel.selectSingleNode(&quot;link&quot;).text & &quot;&quot;&quot; title=&quot;&quot;&quot; & objChannel.selectSingleNode(&quot;description&quot;).text & &quot;&quot;&quot;>&quot; & objChannel.selectSingleNode(&quot;title&quot;).text & &quot;</a> - <a href=&quot;&quot;&quot; & strMyName & &quot;?full=true&quot;&quot;>Show Descriptions</a></thead>&quot;
Response.Write &quot;<tr>&quot; & VbCrLf & &quot; <td>&quot; & VbCrLf

'Dump the links into the buffer, if &quot;Show Descriptions&quot; is clicked,
'then we dump those into the buffer, too.
For Each objChild in objLinks
Response.Write &quot; <a href=&quot;&quot;&quot; & objChild.selectSingleNode(&quot;link&quot;).text & &quot;&quot;&quot; target=&quot;&quot;_blank&quot;&quot;>&quot; & objChild.selectSingleNode(&quot;title&quot;).text & &quot;</a><BR>&quot; & VbCrLf
If Request(&quot;full&quot;) = &quot;true&quot; Then Response.Write &quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot; & objChild.selectSingleNode(&quot;description&quot;).text & &quot;<BR><BR>&quot; & VbCrLF

'Clean up after yourself
Set objRoot = Nothing
set objChannel = Nothing
set objLinks = Nothing
set objChild = Nothing
End If
Response.Write &quot; </td>&quot; & VbCrLf & &quot;</tr>&quot; & VbCrLf & &quot;</table>&quot; & VbCrLf
' If Not i = UBound(arrFeeds,2) Then Response.Write &quot;<BR>&quot; & VbCrLf
Response.Flush 'Dump the buffer to the browser
'Next 'Do it all again!
set xmlObj = nothing
Maybe the RemoveItem functions messes things up.
It looks suspicious enough ;-)
Check if strXML is valid xml before and after
strXML = RemoveItem(strXML, &quot; encoding=&quot;&quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;)
strXML = RemoveItem(strXML, &quot;<!DOCTYPE&quot;, &quot;>&quot;)
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