I'm using CR8 connecting to a SQL Server thru' ODBC.
The object of the report is to reconcile fund holdings between ourselves (US) and our custodian (CUST).
The data is grouped by
1. account type (CUST and US)
2. effective date (constant)
3. security id (variable)
All the fund totals for the values and shares are summed in the group 3 footer.
I then need to remove funds that meet shares and values tolerances and I am using the following formulae: -
If isnull({@Branch B})
and isnull({@Branch C})
and isnull({@Branch D})
and ({@Difference CUST and US Fund Holdings}) <=1
and {@Difference CUST and US Fund Values} < ({@Variabley} / {@VariableX})
then true
If (not isnull({@Branch B})
or not isnull({@Branch C})
or not isnull({@Branch D}))
and ({@Difference between Summary and CUST}) <=1
and {@Value Difference between CUST and US Cals} < ({@Difference2} / {@Difference})
then true else false
I will explain the above in more detail if need be, but the fundamental problem is that I need to suppress all sections when the above criteria is met.
The formulae works just fine in the group 3 footer but no where else!!
I inserted a boolean in the detail section that indicated false when any of the above statements was true in the group 3 footer. Note that I have four detail sections but was trying to suppress in the parent detail section, if you know what I mean.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I'm using CR8 connecting to a SQL Server thru' ODBC.
The object of the report is to reconcile fund holdings between ourselves (US) and our custodian (CUST).
The data is grouped by
1. account type (CUST and US)
2. effective date (constant)
3. security id (variable)
All the fund totals for the values and shares are summed in the group 3 footer.
I then need to remove funds that meet shares and values tolerances and I am using the following formulae: -
If isnull({@Branch B})
and isnull({@Branch C})
and isnull({@Branch D})
and ({@Difference CUST and US Fund Holdings}) <=1
and {@Difference CUST and US Fund Values} < ({@Variabley} / {@VariableX})
then true
If (not isnull({@Branch B})
or not isnull({@Branch C})
or not isnull({@Branch D}))
and ({@Difference between Summary and CUST}) <=1
and {@Value Difference between CUST and US Cals} < ({@Difference2} / {@Difference})
then true else false
I will explain the above in more detail if need be, but the fundamental problem is that I need to suppress all sections when the above criteria is met.
The formulae works just fine in the group 3 footer but no where else!!
I inserted a boolean in the detail section that indicated false when any of the above statements was true in the group 3 footer. Note that I have four detail sections but was trying to suppress in the parent detail section, if you know what I mean.
Any help would be much appreciated.