Trying to locate all Job Numbers that have been invoiced within the last 90 days as well as non-invoiced items. Nulls will also need to be included in the result set. I don't know if I've been hit with the stupid stick this morning, but I'm getting all records or no records. There are some mistyped dates from 2019 that are actually helping realize something is not working right here. It is also returning values from 1994. Obviously a bit out the expected range. Any assistance/guidance is appreciated.
Stubbornness is a virtue -- if you are right. --Chuck Noll
[Date90] = DATEADD(DAY, -90, wpmas_dt_billed),
[InvoiceDate] = wpmas_dt_billed,
[JobNum] = wpmas_job_no,
[Stat] = wpmas_job_status
FROM tmpwpmas
WHERE wpmas_div = '3'
AND wpmas_dt_billed BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -90, wpmas_dt_billed) AND ISNULL(wpmas_dt_billed, GETDATE())
ORDER BY wpmas_dt_billed DESC;
Stubbornness is a virtue -- if you are right. --Chuck Noll