I have a stack of 3com 4250 units. They are the 10/100 x 48 ports with the two GB ports. I had the max of 4 unit setup in a stack and used a single subnet 192.168.1.x.My network grew so I needed to subnet out the network so I purchased at 4200G. 12 GB ports and Layer 3.When I first setup my subnetting I left the physical structure in place. I put the 4 servers I have on 4 ports on the 4200G and plugged the stack of the 4250s into another of the ports. I then setup the VLANs for 4 subnets of 192.168.1.x thru 4.x. I tagged the link between the 4200G and 4250 stack and the traffic was going thru, however all the traffic on the other VLANs to the default VLAN is dramatically slower now trying to reach the servers. Even with ports side by side on the same physical switch, but with one on the default VLAN and one on the other VLANS.I even tried to remove one of the switches out of the stack of 4 and plug it into the 4200G and setup the VLANs however that still has not helped.I have been running some tests and the speed between the servers all on the default VLAN to all the default VLAN clients is at least 3x that of any client on the other VLANS.