OS: Solaris 5.10
Netbackup version: 6.5.1
We've had a guy leave so I'm being thrown into this with no background on this system. If you offer suggestions of tools to run please use full paths so I can find them.
After taking over this backup situation I've found that nothing has run for about a month, and now all of our attempts are finishing with status 800 "resource request failed". The detailed status says:
"Error nbjm (pid=900) NBU status: 800, EMM status: No drives are available resource request failed (800)
I've done lots of searches for this seemingly generic problem but nothing has helped. I've deleted and re-added the drives and robot and it sees everything fine and adds them back with no issues, but it hasn't helped. The only thing we can think that could be causing a problem is related to the changing of domain names that I will outline below.
This installation was originally called backups.OLDDOMAIN.COM. However the old domain went away and the server is now named backups.NEWDOMAIN.com. When I run tpconfig -emm_dev_list I can still see "backups.OLDDOMAIN.COM" listed as the "Scan Host". Could this be causing a problem and if so, how do I change the hostname that Netbackup sees as the Scan Host?
When I get aliases by running nbemmcmd I get no aliases when asking about backups.NEWDOMAIN.com. When I ask about just backups with no domain it responds that one of the aliases is backups.OLDDOMAIN.COM. When I attempt to delete the alias with the old name I get the following response:
NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5
The function returned the following failure status:
invalid host name (136)
Command did not complete successfully.
How can I remove this old name from Netbackup and could this be causing our problem? I'd be happy to supply any additional information that I can. As always, thanks in advance.
Netbackup version: 6.5.1
We've had a guy leave so I'm being thrown into this with no background on this system. If you offer suggestions of tools to run please use full paths so I can find them.
After taking over this backup situation I've found that nothing has run for about a month, and now all of our attempts are finishing with status 800 "resource request failed". The detailed status says:
"Error nbjm (pid=900) NBU status: 800, EMM status: No drives are available resource request failed (800)
I've done lots of searches for this seemingly generic problem but nothing has helped. I've deleted and re-added the drives and robot and it sees everything fine and adds them back with no issues, but it hasn't helped. The only thing we can think that could be causing a problem is related to the changing of domain names that I will outline below.
This installation was originally called backups.OLDDOMAIN.COM. However the old domain went away and the server is now named backups.NEWDOMAIN.com. When I run tpconfig -emm_dev_list I can still see "backups.OLDDOMAIN.COM" listed as the "Scan Host". Could this be causing a problem and if so, how do I change the hostname that Netbackup sees as the Scan Host?
When I get aliases by running nbemmcmd I get no aliases when asking about backups.NEWDOMAIN.com. When I ask about just backups with no domain it responds that one of the aliases is backups.OLDDOMAIN.COM. When I attempt to delete the alias with the old name I get the following response:
NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5
The function returned the following failure status:
invalid host name (136)
Command did not complete successfully.
How can I remove this old name from Netbackup and could this be causing our problem? I'd be happy to supply any additional information that I can. As always, thanks in advance.