Technical User
I received a data file containing records that look like the following. Column 3 (C3) contains 1-digit codes that describe something about the person (Name). For example, "E" might indicate that the person wants communication by email.
C1[tab]C2[tab] C3
The 1-digit codes can be in a different order for every record. Furthermore, while one record might have A-B-C-D-E, another record may only have A-D-E.
I want to place all 'like' 1-digit codes in the same column for this post, is there a way to sort this information after it's been parsed into separate columns? (NOTE: On the chart below, 'x'=no value in field. In an effort to align the field values in columns, I used '---').
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
ID1 Name1 A---B---C---D---E
ID2 Name2 x---B---C---D---E
ID3 Name3 A---B---x---D---x
ID4 Name4 A---x---C---D---E
C1[tab]C2[tab] C3
The 1-digit codes can be in a different order for every record. Furthermore, while one record might have A-B-C-D-E, another record may only have A-D-E.
I want to place all 'like' 1-digit codes in the same column for this post, is there a way to sort this information after it's been parsed into separate columns? (NOTE: On the chart below, 'x'=no value in field. In an effort to align the field values in columns, I used '---').
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
ID1 Name1 A---B---C---D---E
ID2 Name2 x---B---C---D---E
ID3 Name3 A---B---x---D---x
ID4 Name4 A---x---C---D---E