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alert() statement lets code work, remove it, code errors out

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Dec 13, 2007
I am a novice, almost to an intermediate-level JavaScript guy, so much of this is new to me. I appreciate your patience reading this.

I have a routine that creates some HTML on the fly (updateFilters() function) and after the HTML is created, I attempt to access some fields (elements) on the form itself.

I works fine if I place an alert() statement after the HTML is created, but when I remove, the code errors out.

I have tried the setTimeout() statement, but I cannot grab the element --- undefined or null is returned. It seems that the form is the only element I can get a handle on --- everything else is undefined or null...

Here is the code:
function editQuery() { 
var f; 
var x; 
var myForm = document.forms[0]; 
// Get the row filters that were used in the last query.. 
for (f = 1; f < 16; f++) { 
var filter = eval("myForm.FilterList_" + f); 
if (filter.selectedIndex > 0) { 
var methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f); 
var methodIndex = methodElement.selectedIndex; 
var savedFilterMethodValue = methodElement.options[methodIndex].text; 
var choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f); 
var choicesIndex = choicesElement.selectedIndex; 
if (isNaN(choicesIndex)) { 
var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.value; 
else { 
var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.options[choicesIndex].text; 
updateFilters(filter); // update the filters 
// take the saved methods and values and then update the selections 
// Alert here makes the code work.. 
// alert("Try this"); 
// Wait for HTML.. 
setTimeout("completeEdit()", 1000); 
function completeEdit() { 
// Since the object was updated, get the object again.. 
var methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f); 
for (x = 0; x < methodElement.options.length; x++) { 
if (methodElement.options[x].text == savedFilterMethodValue) { 
methodElement.options[x].selected = true; 
else { 
methodElement.options[x].selected = false; 
// Since the object was updated, get the object again.. 
var choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f); 
for (x = 0; x < choicesElement.options.length; x++) { 
if (choicesElement.options[x].text == savedFitlerValues) { 
choicesElement.options[x].selected = true; 
else { 
choicesElement.options[x].selected = false; 
// Only display next row if f = 2.. 
// If only one row was used, no reason display the next row.. 
if (f == 2) { 
displayNextFilter(f - 1); // display it 

Do I have to pass the object (the form, the elements) to the completeEdit() function in the setTimeout() statement?

I could use some help...

Here is the form:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache"><META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex"> <LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="/icons/css/alcan/p2pstyle.css"> <Script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"  src="/icons/jslib/alcan/jsglobal.js"></Script><Script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">var defaultDateFormat = "mdy";var defaultDateSeparator = "/";var userDefaultCurrency="American Dollars"; setCookie("dfc","mdy",10080);var dateFormatCheck="American"; var numberFormat = ",."; setCookie("nfc",",.",10080); setCookie('pword','ok'); setCookie('FailedAttempts','0');</Script><Style> Body{margin-top:0px}</Style><title>Path 2 Print Query/Find Utility</title><Style>Table.shadetable{width:100%}</Style>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var businessEntity = "0"; // would actually be based on user
var lookupValues = new Array();
var lookupType;
var lookupMethods = new Array();
var currentFilterNumber = "";
var filterChoices;
// Set this to show X amount of choices in a multi-value dialog list..
// Firefox defaults to some high number making it necessary to scroll the form...
var selectMultipleLines = 4;
var previousMethods = new Array();
var previousChoices = new Array();

function updateLookupValues(){
	filterField = element("FilterChoices_" + currentFilterNumber);
	td = element("filterChoicesSpan" + currentFilterNumber);

	if (filterField != null){ // remove it first so we can recreate the object
	// Set-up...
	obj = element("filterRangeSpan" + currentFilterNumber);
	if (obj != null){
		obj.style.display = "none";
	// Set the lookup methods -- Equals, Contains, etc.
	var filterMethod = element("FilterMethod_" + currentFilterNumber);
	var filterTDMethod = element("filterRowMethods" + currentFilterNumber)
	if (filterMethod != null){ // remove it first so we can recreate the object
	var newInput = document.createElement("<Select>");
	newInput.name = "FilterMethod_" + currentFilterNumber;
	newInput.setAttribute("id","FilterMethod_" + currentFilterNumber);
	newInput.options.length = 0;
	newInput.options.length = lookupMethods.length;
	newInput.multiple = false;
	if(lookupType == "Date") {
		newInput.onchange = showRanges
	else {
		newInput.onchange = "";
	for (x=0;x < lookupMethods.length;x++){
		newInput.options[x] = new Option(lookupMethods[x],lookupMethods[x],false,false);
	// Need to determine what type of field to show...
	// <Text>
	// <Radio>
	// <Checkbox>
	// Get the lookupType...
	switch (lookupType) {
		case "Text":
			var newInput = document.createElement("<input>");
			newInput.name = "FilterChoices_" + currentFilterNumber;
			newInput.setAttribute("id","FilterChoices_" + currentFilterNumber);
		case "Date":
			// Date range FROM/TO...
			// Just hide the choices and display the range fields...	
		case "Dialog List (one value)":
			var newInput = document.createElement("<Select>")
			newInput.name = "FilterChoices_" + currentFilterNumber
			newInput.setAttribute("id","FilterChoices_" + currentFilterNumber)
			newInput.options.length = 0
			newInput.options.length = lookupValues.length
			newInput.multiple = false
			for (x=0;x < lookupValues.length;x++){
				newInput.options[x] = new Option(lookupValues[x],lookupValues[x],false,false)
		case "Dialog List (multi value)":
			var newInput = document.createElement("<Select>")
			newInput.name = "FilterChoices_" + currentFilterNumber
			newInput.setAttribute("id","FilterChoices_" + currentFilterNumber)
			newInput.options.length = 0
			newInput.options.length = lookupValues.length
			newInput.multiple = true
			for (x=0;x < lookupValues.length;x++){
				newInput.options[x] = new Option(lookupValues[x],lookupValues[x],false,false)
			// Size the field to only show X at a time...
			newInput.size = selectMultipleLines;
		case "Number Range":
			var newInput = document.createElement("<input>");
			newInput.name = "FilterChoices_" + currentFilterNumber;
			newInput.setAttribute("id","filterChoices_" + currentFilterNumber);
		case "Custom" :
	default : 


function getLookupValues(filterObj){
	// need to have some check if it's a lookup doc
	// probably just create a list/array of filters that require lookup
	// something like if (filterLookups(filterObj.value)) then....
	// if it is then go get the lookup values via xml	
	var lookupValue = false;
	var fName = filterObj.name;
	var fNumber = fName.substr(fName.indexOf("_")+1);
	currentFilterNumber = fNumber;
	var fVal = filterObj[filterObj.selectedIndex].text;
	if(isFilterChoice(fVal) == true) {
		lookupValue = true
	// Get the lookupType...
	lookupType = getLookupType(fVal);
	if (lookupValue){
		// go get it
		url = "/py/p2p_query.nsf/lookupvalues?readform&lukey=" + businessEntity + "*&criterialabel=" + fVal + "*"
		httpReq = getXMLHTTP();
			httpReq.open("GET", url, true);
			httpReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
			if (httpReq.readyState==4 && httpReq.status==200 ) {

function updateFilters(filterObj){
	var fName = filterObj.name
	var fNumber = fName.substr(fName.indexOf("_")+1)
	var fVal = filterObj[filterObj.selectedIndex].text
	if (fVal == "- Select -"){
		// display next row
//		alert("filterRow" + fNumber + fName)
		obj = element("filterRow" + (parseInt(fNumber) + 1))
		if (obj != null){
			obj.style.display = "inline"

function isFilterChoice(filterName) {
	for (x in filterObjects) {
		if(x == filterName) {
			return true;

function getLookupType(filterName) {
	for (x in filterObjects) {
		if(x == filterName) {
			return filterObjects[x];

function dataValidate(myForm){
		updateCatList(myForm.ColumnFieldSelections, myForm.ColumnFieldChoices);
		if (myForm.CustomerSelections.value.length > 3000){
			myForm.CustomerSelections.value = myForm.CustomerID.value
		myForm.saveButton.value = "Creating..."
		myForm.saveButton.disabled = true
		myForm.saveButton1.value = "Creating..."
		myForm.saveButton1.disabled = true

function updateChartTableDisplay(){
	var myForm = document.forms[0]
	obj = element("chartTable")

	if (myForm.IncludeCharts[0].checked){
		obj.style.display = "Inline"
		obj.style.display = "None"

function viewMatrixTable(){
	var myForm = document.forms[0]
	obj = element("matrixTable")
	if (myForm.MatrixReport[0].checked){
		obj.style.display = "Inline"
		obj.style.display = "None"
function viewGroupTable(){
	var myForm = document.forms[0]
	obj = element("groupTable")
	if (myForm.GroupReport[0].checked){
		obj.style.display = "Inline"
		obj.style.display = "None"

function updateDateDisplay(dateObj){
	var divTag = eval("document.all." + dateObj.name + "SPEC")
	var dObj =  eval("document.forms[0]." + dateObj.name )

	if (dObj[dObj.selectedIndex].text == "Specific Dates"){
		divTag.style.display = "Inline"
		divTag.style.display = "None"

var eol = "<-------------- end of list --------------->";

function updateCatList(obj1, obj2){
	var us = "";
 	for( var i = 0; i < obj1.length; i++ ) {
		if ( obj1.options[i].text != eol ) {
			if (obj1.options[i].value != ""){
				us += obj1.options[i].value + ";";
				us += obj1.options[i].text + ";";
	obj2.value = us;
//	alert(obj2.value)

function removeListItem(srcList){
  if ( srcList.selectedIndex == -1 ) return;

  if ( srcList.options[ srcList.selectedIndex ].text == eol ) {
	srcList.options[ srcList.selectedIndex ].selected = false;
  for( var i = srcList.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { 
	if ( srcList.options[i] != null && srcList.options[i].selected == true ) {
       // Erase Source
    	  srcList.options[i] = null;
//  updateCatList(document.forms[0].ColumnFieldSelections, document.forms[0].ColumnFieldChoices)

function copyDualList( srcList, destList ) {

  // Do nothing if nothing or eol is selected
  if ( srcList.selectedIndex == -1 ) return;
  if ( srcList.options[ srcList.selectedIndex ].text == eol ) {
	srcList.options[ srcList.selectedIndex ].selected = false;
	  newDestList = new Array( destList.options.length );
	  var len = 0;
	  // Copy all existing Options in the Destination item to an Array
	  for ( len = 0; len < destList.options.length; len++ ) {

		if ( destList.options[ len ] != null ) {
			newDestList[ len ] = new Option(	destList.options[ len ].text,
										destList.options[ len ].value, 
  	var dbg = "";

	  // Now append the newly selected Options from the Source item to the Array
	  for( var i = 0; i < srcList.options.length; i++ ) { 

		if ( srcList.options[i] != null && srcList.options[i].selected == true ) {

       // Incorporate into new list
			newDestList[ len ] = new Option( 	srcList.options[i].text,
			dbg = 'index: ' + len + '\n'
				+ '.text: ' + srcList.options[i].text + '\n'
				+ '.value: ' + srcList.options[i].value + '\n' 
				+ '.defaultSelected: ' + srcList.options[i].defaultSelected + '\n'
				+ '.selected: ' + srcList.options[i].selected;

  // Sort out the new destination list
//	  newDestList.sort( compareOptionText );   // BY TEXT
      // Populate the destination with the items from the new array
	  for ( var j = 0; j < newDestList.length; j++ ) {
		if ( newDestList[j] != null ) {
  			destList.options[j] = newDestList[j];

/*	Copying - don't erase 
	for( var i = srcList.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { 
		if ( srcList.options[i] != null && srcList.options[i].selected == true ) {
	       // Erase Source
     	  srcList.options[i] = null;
// updateCatList(document.forms[0].ColumnFieldSelections, document.forms[0].ColumnFieldChoices)

} // End of moveDualList()

function compareOptionText( a, b ) {

	// Compare two options within a list by TEXT
	// Sort on the first 3 characters of the Last Name

	aS = new String( a.text );
	if ( aS == eol ) aS = 'zzz';
	aLast = aS.substring( 0, 3 );
	bS = new String( b.text );
	if ( bS == eol ) bS = 'zzz';
	bLast = bS.substring( 0, 3 );
	var sA = parseInt( aLast, 36 );
	var sB = parseInt( bLast, 36 );
	//alert( aLast + '\t' + sA + '\n' + bLast + '\t' + sB );
	if ( isNaN( sA ) ) sA = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999;
	if ( isNaN( sB ) ) sB = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999;
	return sA - sB;

function move(index,to) {
	var list = document.forms[0].ColumnFieldSelections;
	var total = list.options.length-1;
	if (index == -1) return false;
	if (to == +1 && index == total) return false;
	if (to == -1 && index == 0) return false;
	var items = new Array;
	var values = new Array;
	for (i = total; i >= 0; i--) {
		items[i] = list.options[i].text;
		values[i] = list.options[i].value;

	for (i = total; i >= 0; i--) {
		if (index == i) {
			list.options[i + to] = new Option(items[i ],values[i], 0, 1);
			list.options[i] = new Option(items[i + to], values[i + to]);
		else {
			list.options[i] = new Option(items[i], values[i]);
//	updateCatList(document.forms[0].ColumnFieldSelections, document.forms[0].ColumnFieldChoices)

function updateLayoutTable(){
	var layoutTable = element("layoutTable")
	if (document.forms[0].ReportType[0].checked){
		layoutTable.style.display = "Inline"
		layoutTable.style.display = "None"


function updateGoalDisplay(){
	var obj = element("goalDisplay")
	if (document.forms[0].IncludeGoal[0].checked){
		obj.style.display = "Inline"
		obj.style.display = "None"

function showAdvanced(aNo){
	if (aNo == 3){
		element("simpleOutputTable").style.display = "none"
		element("advancedOutputTable").style.display = "inline"	
		document.forms[0].AdvancedOutput.value = "Yes"
	}else if (aNo == 4){
		element("simpleOutputTable").style.display = "inline"
		element("advancedOutputTable").style.display = "none"	
		document.forms[0].AdvancedOutput.value = "No"

function showRanges(){
	var filterObj = this;
	var fName = filterObj.name;
	var fNumber = fName.substr(fName.indexOf("_") + 1);
	currentFilterNumber = fNumber;	
	var fVal = filterObj[filterObj.selectedIndex].text;
	obj = element("filterRangeSpan" + currentFilterNumber);
	if (fVal == "Specific Dates") { 		
		if (obj != null){
			obj.style.display = "inline";
	else {
		if (obj != null){
			obj.style.display = "none";

function displayNextFilter(fNumber){
	obj = element("filterRow" + (parseInt(fNumber) + 1));
	if (obj != null){
		obj.style.display = "inline";
function removeNextFilter(fNumber){
	obj = element("filterRow" + (parseInt(fNumber)));
	if (obj != null){
		obj.style.display = "none";

function editQuery() {
	var f;	
	var x;
	var methodElement;
	var choicesElement;
	var myForm = document.forms[0];
	// Get the row filters that were used in the last query...
	for (f = 1; f < 16; f++) {
		var filter =  eval("myForm.FilterList_" + f);
		if (filter.selectedIndex > 0) {
			methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f);
			var methodIndex = methodElement.selectedIndex;
			var savedFilterMethodValue = methodElement.options[methodIndex].text;
			choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f);
			var choicesIndex = choicesElement.selectedIndex;
			if (isNaN(choicesIndex)) {
				var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.value;
			else {
				var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.options[choicesIndex].text;
			updateFilters(filter); // update the filters
			// take the saved methods and values and then update the selections
			// Wait for HTML...			
			setTimeout("completeEdit()", 2000);
			function completeEdit(methodElement, choiceElement) {
				// Since the object was updated, get the object again...	
				methodElement = eval("myForm.FilterMethod_" + f);
				//var methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f);	
				for (x = 0; x < methodElement.options.length; x++) {
					if (methodElement.options[x].text == savedFilterMethodValue) {
						methodElement.options[x].selected = true;
					else {
						methodElement.options[x].selected = false;
				// Since the object was updated, get the object again...	
				choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f);	
				for (x = 0; x < choicesElement.options.length; x++) {
					if (choicesElement.options[x].text == savedFitlerValues) {
						choicesElement.options[x].selected = true;		
					else {
						choicesElement.options[x].selected = false;
				// Only display next row if f = 2...
				// If only one row was used, no reason display the next row...
				if (f == 2) {
					displayNextFilter(f - 1); // display it	
			} // completeEdit
// -->

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document._domino_target = "_self";
function _doClick(v, o, t, h) {
  var form = document._DominoForm;
  if (form.onsubmit) {
     var retVal = form.onsubmit();
     if (typeof retVal == "boolean" && retVal == false)
       return false;
  var target = document._domino_target;
  if (o.href != null) {
    if (o.target != null)
       target = o.target;
  } else {
    if (t != null)
      target = t;
  form.target = target;
  form.__Click.value = v;
  if (h != null)
    form.action += h;
  return false;
// -->

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function runReport(MyForm){
	if (MyForm.SelectSavedReport.selectedIndex > 0){
		document.location = "/gb/gbc_newcrp.nsf/(Query)?OpenAgent&id=" + MyForm.SelectSavedReport[MyForm.SelectSavedReport.selectedIndex].value + "&newrep=yes"

// -->

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var saveCheck = "No"
function saveGraphChanges(){
	if (saveCheck == "Yes"){return}
	saveCheck = "Yes"
	document.forms[0].changeButton.value = "Redrawing Chart..."

function updateRangeTitle(){
	if (form == "Query Output") {return}
	var myForm = document.forms[0]
	chartStyle = myForm.ChartSelectionStyle_A[myForm.ChartSelectionStyle_A.selectedIndex].text
	if (chartStyle.substring(0,7) == "Overlay"){
		myForm.ChartRangeTitle_A.value = myForm.ChartCountTitle_A[myForm.ChartCountTitle_A.selectedIndex].text	
		myForm.ChartOverlayRangeTitle_A.value = myForm.ChartOverlayCountTitle_A[myForm.ChartOverlayCountTitle_A.selectedIndex].text
	}else if (chartStyle == "Pie"){
		myForm.ChartChartTitle_A.value = myForm.ChartTitle_A[myForm.ChartTitle_A.selectedIndex].text + "\\n" + myForm.ChartCountTitle_A[myForm.ChartCountTitle_A.selectedIndex].text
		myForm.ChartRangeTitle_A.value = myForm.ChartCountTitle_A[myForm.ChartCountTitle_A.selectedIndex].text	

function updateChartTitle(){
	if (form == "Query Output") {return}
	var myForm = document.forms[0]
	chartStyle = myForm.ChartSelectionStyle_A[myForm.ChartSelectionStyle_A.selectedIndex].text
	if (chartStyle.substring(0,7) == "Stacked"){
		myForm.ChartChartTitle_A.value = myForm.ChartTitle_A[myForm.ChartTitle_A.selectedIndex].text + "\\n" + myForm.ChartStackedTitle_A[myForm.ChartStackedTitle_A.selectedIndex].text
	}else if (chartStyle == "Pie"){
		myForm.ChartChartTitle_A.value = myForm.ChartTitle_A[myForm.ChartTitle_A.selectedIndex].text + "\\n" + myForm.ChartCountTitle_A[myForm.ChartCountTitle_A.selectedIndex].text				
		myForm.ChartChartTitle_A.value = myForm.ChartTitle_A[myForm.ChartTitle_A.selectedIndex].text	

function expandChartDetails(){
	obj = element("chartDetailsTable")
	if (obj.style.display == "none"){
		obj.style.display = "inline"
		obj.style.display = "none"

function updateChartDisplay(updateLegend){
	var myForm = document.forms[0]
	var chartStyle = myForm.ChartSelectionStyle_A[myForm.ChartSelectionStyle_A.selectedIndex].text
	var tdNumber = 48
	var tdStart = 5
	for (x=tdStart ; x < tdNumber;x++ ){
		obj = element("chartTD" + x)
		if (obj != null){
			obj.style.display = "Inline"
	switch (chartStyle){
		case "Pie":
			if (updateLegend == "change") {myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 1}
		case "Bar" :
			if (updateLegend == "change") {
				myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 1
				myForm.ChartMultiColor_A[0].checked = true
			break ;
		case "Line" :
			if (updateLegend == "change") {myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 5}
			break ;			
		case "Filled Line":
			if (updateLegend == "change") {myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 5}
			break ;			
		case "Stacked Bar":
			if (updateLegend == "change") {
				myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 5
				myForm.ChartMultiColor_A[1].checked = true
			break ;			
		case "Grouped Bar":
			if (updateLegend == "change") {
				myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 5
				myForm.ChartMultiColor_A[1].checked = true
		case "Stacked Line":
			if (updateLegend == "change") {myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 1}
			break ;			
		case "Overlay 2 Bars":
			if (updateLegend == "change") {
				myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 1
				myForm.ChartMultiColor_A[1].checked = true
			break ;			
		case "Overlay 2 Lines":
			if (updateLegend == "change") {myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 5}
			break ;			
		case "Overlay Bar & Line":
			if (updateLegend == "change") {
				myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 1
				myForm.ChartMultiColor_A[1].checked = true
			break ;			
		case "Overlay Line & Bar":
			if (updateLegend == "change") {
				myForm.ChartLegend_A.selectedIndex = 1
				myForm.ChartMultiColor_A[1].checked = true
			break ;						

function hideSections(){
	for(x=0;x < arguments.length;x++){
		obj = element("chartTD" + arguments[x])
		if (obj != null){obj.style.display = "None"}

function updateGoalDisplay(){
	var obj = element("goalDisplay")
	if (document.forms[0].ChartIncludeGoal_A[0].checked){
		obj.style.display = "Inline"
		obj.style.display = "None"


// -->
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="editQuery();">

<form method="post" action="/py/p2p_query.nsf/query%20create?OpenForm&amp;Seq=1" name="_DominoForm">
<input type="hidden" name="__Click" value="0">
<div align="center"><b><font size="4" color="#FF0000">ALCAN-KM TESTING/TRAINING SYSTEM</font></b><iframe  width="0" height="0" style='display:none' src="/py/pyusers.nsf/update+user+access?openagent"></iframe></div><Script>
	var filterObjects = new Array()
	filterObjects["Alt Cylinder Number"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Assign Instruction To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Bases From"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Basis Weight"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Bleed Amount"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Business Entity"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Amount"] = "Number Range"
filterObjects["Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Date"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Invoice #"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cold Seal"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Continuous Design"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Converting Spec"] = "Text"
filterObjects["CSR"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["Customer Address Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Address"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Brand Name"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer City Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer City"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Country Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Country"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Design Number"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Fax Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Fax"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Graphics Coordinator"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["Customer Name Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Name"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Part Number"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Phone Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Phone"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Product Desc"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Province Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Province"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Ship To Location"] = "Custom"
filterObjects["Customer Ship To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Spec Number"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer State Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer State"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Zip Sold To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Customer Zip"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cut Off"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cylinder Circumference"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cylinder Diameter"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cylinder Length"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cylinder Number"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cylinder PD"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cylinder PR"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Cylinder Repeat"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Date CGC Approved"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date First Order"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date Initiated"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date PDF Approved"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date PDF Received"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date Plant GC Approved"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date Plates Ordered"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date Plates Received"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date Plates Requested"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date Plates Shipped"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date TIFF Approved"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date TIFF Received"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Date TIFF Requested"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Distort Across"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Distort Around"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Distortion Factor"] = "Text"
filterObjects["DRO Status"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["DRO #"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Drop"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Eyeline Color"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Eyemark Color"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Eyemark Over"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Eyemark Size"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Finish Rewind"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Finished Product Type"] = "Text"
filterObjects["FLDieNumber"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Flexo Plant"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Flexo / Roto"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["Graphics and Cylinders Billing Amount"] = "Number Range"
filterObjects["Graphics and Cylinders Billing Date"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Graphics and Cylinders Billing Invoice #"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Address Plates"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Address"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor City Plates"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor City"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Country Plates"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Country"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Fax Plates"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Fax"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor ID Plates"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor ID"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Phone Plates"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Phone"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Province Plates"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Province"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor State Plates"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor State"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Zip Plates"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor Zip"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics Vendor"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Graphics (Flexo) Billing Amount"] = "Number Range"
filterObjects["Graphics (Flexo) Billing Date"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Graphics (Flexo) Billing Invoice #"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Heat Seal"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Horizontal Position"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Impression Length"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Impression Width"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Ink Coverage"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Instruction Text"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Instruction Type"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["Laser Score"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Layout Number"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Line Screen"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Margins Left"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Margins Right"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Number Across"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Number Around"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Odd Even Operations"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Order Type"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["Plant Coordinator"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["Plant"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["Plate Thickness"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Plate Type"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Plate (Int or Ext)"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["Plate / Cylinder Vendor"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Plate / Cylinder #"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Plates Billing Amount"] = "Number Range"
filterObjects["Plates Billing Date"] = "Date"
filterObjects["Plates Billing Invoice #"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Previous DRO"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Print Digit"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Print Orientation"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Print Rewind"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Print Substrate"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Row Position"] = "Text"
filterObjects["RowPositionColor"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Sales Rep"] = "Dialog List (multi value)"
filterObjects["Send Instruction To"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Slit Info"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Staggered Amount"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Staggered Type"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Staggered"] = "Text"
filterObjects["TL Entered Language"] = "Text"
filterObjects["UPC Bar Code"] = "Text"
filterObjects["UPC No"] = "Date"
filterObjects["UPC Print Color"] = "Text"
filterObjects["UPC Size"] = "Text"
filterObjects["UPC"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Varnish"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Web Distortion"] = "Text"
filterObjects["Width"] = "Text"
.AlcanNavTDSide A:link{color:white}
.AlcanNavTDSide A:visited{color:white}
.AlcanNavTDSide A:hover{color:red}
function search_DRO(){
	document.location = "/py/p2p_main.nsf/(search)?openagent&search=" + element("search_DROField").value 
<div id=TL_selectLanguage style='background-color:#ffffff;visibility: hidden;display:none;border-style:solid;border-width:1px 2px 2px 1px;border-color:#cccccc'>
<table style='width:100%;background-color:#ffffff;pading:0px;margin:0px;border:0px;border-collapse:collapse'>
<tr style='background-color:#cccccc;border-bottom:#000000 solid 1px'>
<td style='font-weight:bold'>err31</td>
<td STYLE='text-align:right;font-size:8pt'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='tl_closeDiv()'>Close</a></td>
<tr >
<td style='border-bottom:#cccccc solid 1px;padding-left:25px' colspan=2><a href="javascript:setLanguage('FR')">French</a><br><a href="javascript:setLanguage('ES')">Spanish</a><br><a href="javascript:setLanguage('EN')">English</a> </td></tr>
<tr >
<td colspan=2>
<span style='color:red'>err33 err34</span>
<td colspan=2 STYLE='text-align:right;font-size:8pt'>
<a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='tl_closeDiv()'>Close</a>
<span id="AlcanNavBarTable">
<TABLE align=center class="AlcanNavTable" style='width:100%'><TR><TD class="AlcanNavTDTop" style='text-align:left'>&nbsp;Path 2 Print</TD><TD class="AlcanNavTDTop"><a class=AlcanNavLinkTop href=/py/p2p.nsf>P2P Home</a> | <a class=AlcanNavLinkTop href=/py/p2p.nsf/Reports>Reports</a> | <a class=AlcanNavLinkTop href=/py/p2p_query.nsf/query+create?openform>Query</a> | <a class=AlcanNavLinkTop href=/py/p2p_dro_review.nsf/dro?openform>New DRO</a> | <a class=AlcanNavLinkTop href=/py/help.nsf>Help</a> | <a class=AlcanNavLinkTop href=/py/pyusers.nsf/change+password+-+name?openform>Change Password</a> | <a  class=AlcanNavLinkTop  href=/py/pyhome.nsf?logout&redirect=/">Log Out</a> | <a  class=AlcanNavLinkTop  href=/py/pyhome.nsf/EmployeeHome?ReadForm>KMS Home</a>&nbsp;<input class='searchBox' id='search_DROField' name='search_DROField' ><input type=button class=searchButton value='Search' onClick='search_DRO()'></TD></TR>
<TR ><TD class=AlcanNavTDSHADE STYLE="background-color: #802B00;" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR ><TD class=AlcanNavTDSHADE STYLE="background-color: #A63700" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR ><TD class=AlcanNavTDSHADE STYLE="background-color: #993300;" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR><TD class='AlcanNavTDMain' colspan=2 style='margin:0px;padding:0px'>
<TABLE style='width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;border:none;padding:0px;margin:0px'><TR>
<TD  class=AlcanNavTDMain style='margin:0px;font-size:8pt;width:80%;color:white'>New DRO</TD>
<TD class=AlcanNavTDSide style='margin:0px;font-size:8pt;text-align:right;color:white'  ><a id='droSaveLink' title='CTRL-SHIFT S' href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='saveDRO()'> Save</a> | 
<a  id='droCopyLink' alt='CTRL-SHIFT C' href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='copyDRO()'>Copy</a><br>
<a  id='droPrintLink' alt='CTRL-ALT P' ' href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='printDRO()'>Print</a> | 
<a id='droMoreLink' alt='CTRL-SHIFT M' href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='moreActions()'>More</a></TD>
<TR ><TD class=AlcanNavTDSHADE STYLE="background-color: #993300;" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR ><TD class=AlcanNavTDSHADE STYLE="background-color: #591E00;" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR ><TD class=AlcanNavTDSHADE STYLE="background-color: #752700;" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
</TR></TABLE><TABLE><TR><TD style='height:5px;width:100%'></TD></TR></TABLE></span><div align="center"><br>
<table class="pTable1" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top"><td class="HEAD" width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div align="center"><b><font face="Arial">Path 2 Print Query Filter</font></b></div></td></tr>

<tr valign="top"><td width="100%"><font size="2" face="Arial">This query request will examine all DRO based on the selections you make and will provide you with the total number that match your query.</font></td></tr>

<table class="pTable1" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top"><td class="HEAD" width="100%">Path 2 Print Filters</td></tr>

<tr valign="top"><td cellpadding=0 width="100%"><table class=pTable3 style='width:100%' align=center>
<tr><td style='padding:0px'>
<table id=filterRow1 style='width:100%;border-bottom:#ccc solid 1px'>
<tr><td class='queryTitle'>Field To Query On</td><td class='queryTitle'>Query Method</td><td class='queryTitle'>Values To Match</td><td class='queryTitle'>Add | Remove</td>
<td class='filterList'> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterList_1" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterList_1" onchange="updateFilters(this)">
<option>- Select -
<option>Customer Graphics Coordinator
<option>Customer Name
<option>Date Initiated
<option>DRO Status
<option>Flexo Plant
<option>Flexo / Roto
<option>Graphics Vendor
<option>Plant Coordinator
<option>Plate / Cylinder Vendor
<option>Plate / Cylinder #
<option>Alt Cylinder Number
<option>Assign Instruction To
<option>Bases From
<option>Basis Weight
<option>Bleed Amount
<option>Business Entity
<option>Cold Seal
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Continuous Design
<option>Converting Spec
<option>Customer Address
<option>Customer Address Sold To
<option>Customer Brand Name
<option>Customer City
<option>Customer City Sold To
<option>Customer Country
<option>Customer Country Sold To
<option>Customer Design Number
<option>Customer Fax
<option>Customer Fax Sold To
<option>Customer Name Sold To
<option>Customer Part Number
<option>Customer Phone
<option>Customer Phone Sold To
<option>Customer Product Desc
<option>Customer Province
<option>Customer Province Sold To
<option>Customer Ship To
<option>Customer Ship To Location
<option>Customer Sold To
<option>Customer Spec Number
<option>Customer State
<option>Customer State Sold To
<option>Customer Zip
<option>Customer Zip Sold To
<option>Cut Off
<option>Cylinder Circumference
<option>Cylinder Diameter
<option>Cylinder Length
<option>Cylinder Number
<option>Cylinder PD
<option>Cylinder PR
<option>Cylinder Repeat
<option>Date CGC Approved
<option>Date First Order
<option>Date PDF Approved
<option>Date PDF Received
<option>Date Plant GC Approved
<option>Date Plates Ordered
<option>Date Plates Received
<option>Date Plates Requested
<option>Date Plates Shipped
<option>Date TIFF Approved
<option>Date TIFF Received
<option>Date TIFF Requested
<option>Distort Across
<option>Distort Around
<option>Distortion Factor
<option>DRO #
<option>Eyeline Color
<option>Eyemark Color
<option>Eyemark Over
<option>Eyemark Size
<option>Finish Rewind
<option>Finished Product Type
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Graphics Vendor Address
<option>Graphics Vendor Address Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor City
<option>Graphics Vendor City Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Country
<option>Graphics Vendor Country Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor ID
<option>Graphics Vendor ID Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Province
<option>Graphics Vendor Province Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor State
<option>Graphics Vendor State Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip Plates
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Amount
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Date
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Invoice #
<option>Heat Seal
<option>Horizontal Position
<option>Impression Length
<option>Impression Width
<option>Ink Coverage
<option>Instruction Text
<option>Instruction Type
<option>Laser Score
<option>Layout Number
<option>Line Screen
<option>Margins Left
<option>Margins Right
<option>Number Across
<option>Number Around
<option>Odd Even Operations
<option>Order Type
<option>Plate Thickness
<option>Plate Type
<option>Plate (Int or Ext)
<option>Plates Billing Amount
<option>Plates Billing Date
<option>Plates Billing Invoice #
<option>Previous DRO
<option>Print Digit
<option>Print Orientation
<option>Print Rewind
<option>Print Substrate
<option>Row Position
<option>Sales Rep
<option>Send Instruction To
<option>Slit Info
<option>Staggered Amount
<option>Staggered Type
<option>TL Entered Language
<option>UPC Bar Code
<option>UPC No
<option>UPC Print Color
<option>UPC Size
<option>Web Distortion
<td class='filterList' id=filterRowMethods1> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterMethod_1" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterMethod_1" id="FilterMethod_1">
<option>Does not Contain</select>
<td class='filterChoice'><span id=filterChoicesSpan1 style='display:inline'> 
<input name="FilterChoices_1" value="" id="FilterChoices_1"> </span>
<span id=filterRangeSpan1 style='display:none'> 
<input name="FilterRangeStart_1" value="" id="FilterRangeStart_1">  to  
<input name="FilterRangeEnd_1" value="" id="FilterRangeEnd_1"> </span></td>
<td class='filterAddRemove'> <a onclick="displayNextFilter(&quot;1&quot;);
return false;" href="">add</a> </td>
<table id=filterRow2 style='display:none' style='width:100%;border-bottom:#ccc solid 1px'>
<td class='filterList'> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterList_2" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterList_2" onchange="updateFilters(this)">
<option>- Select -
<option>Customer Graphics Coordinator
<option>Customer Name
<option>Date Initiated
<option>DRO Status
<option>Flexo Plant
<option>Flexo / Roto
<option>Graphics Vendor
<option>Plant Coordinator
<option>Plate / Cylinder Vendor
<option>Plate / Cylinder #
<option>Alt Cylinder Number
<option>Assign Instruction To
<option>Bases From
<option>Basis Weight
<option>Bleed Amount
<option>Business Entity
<option>Cold Seal
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Continuous Design
<option>Converting Spec
<option>Customer Address
<option>Customer Address Sold To
<option>Customer Brand Name
<option>Customer City
<option>Customer City Sold To
<option>Customer Country
<option>Customer Country Sold To
<option>Customer Design Number
<option>Customer Fax
<option>Customer Fax Sold To
<option>Customer Name Sold To
<option>Customer Part Number
<option>Customer Phone
<option>Customer Phone Sold To
<option>Customer Product Desc
<option>Customer Province
<option>Customer Province Sold To
<option>Customer Ship To
<option>Customer Ship To Location
<option>Customer Sold To
<option>Customer Spec Number
<option>Customer State
<option>Customer State Sold To
<option>Customer Zip
<option>Customer Zip Sold To
<option>Cut Off
<option>Cylinder Circumference
<option>Cylinder Diameter
<option>Cylinder Length
<option>Cylinder Number
<option>Cylinder PD
<option>Cylinder PR
<option>Cylinder Repeat
<option>Date CGC Approved
<option>Date First Order
<option>Date PDF Approved
<option>Date PDF Received
<option>Date Plant GC Approved
<option>Date Plates Ordered
<option>Date Plates Received
<option>Date Plates Requested
<option>Date Plates Shipped
<option>Date TIFF Approved
<option>Date TIFF Received
<option>Date TIFF Requested
<option>Distort Across
<option>Distort Around
<option>Distortion Factor
<option>DRO #
<option>Eyeline Color
<option>Eyemark Color
<option>Eyemark Over
<option>Eyemark Size
<option>Finish Rewind
<option>Finished Product Type
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Graphics Vendor Address
<option>Graphics Vendor Address Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor City
<option>Graphics Vendor City Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Country
<option>Graphics Vendor Country Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor ID
<option>Graphics Vendor ID Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Province
<option>Graphics Vendor Province Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor State
<option>Graphics Vendor State Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip Plates
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Amount
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Date
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Invoice #
<option>Heat Seal
<option>Horizontal Position
<option>Impression Length
<option>Impression Width
<option>Ink Coverage
<option>Instruction Text
<option>Instruction Type
<option>Laser Score
<option>Layout Number
<option>Line Screen
<option>Margins Left
<option>Margins Right
<option>Number Across
<option>Number Around
<option>Odd Even Operations
<option>Order Type
<option>Plate Thickness
<option>Plate Type
<option>Plate (Int or Ext)
<option>Plates Billing Amount
<option>Plates Billing Date
<option>Plates Billing Invoice #
<option>Previous DRO
<option>Print Digit
<option>Print Orientation
<option>Print Rewind
<option>Print Substrate
<option>Row Position
<option>Sales Rep
<option>Send Instruction To
<option>Slit Info
<option>Staggered Amount
<option>Staggered Type
<option>TL Entered Language
<option>UPC Bar Code
<option>UPC No
<option>UPC Print Color
<option>UPC Size
<option>Web Distortion
<td class='filterList' id=filterRowMethods2> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterMethod_2" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterMethod_2" id="FilterMethod_2">
<option>Does not Contain</select>
<td class='filterChoice'><span id=filterChoicesSpan2 style='display:inline'> 
<input name="FilterChoices_2" value="" id="FilterChoices_2"> </span><span id=filterRangeSpan2 style='display:none'> 
<input name="FilterRangeStart_2" value="" id="FilterRangeStart_2">  to  
<input name="FilterRangeEnd_2" value="" id="FilterRangeEnd_2"> </span></td>
<td class='filterAddRemove'> <a onclick="displayNextFilter(&quot;2&quot;);
return false;" href="">add</a> | <a onclick="removeNextFilter(&quot;2&quot;);
return false;" href="">remove</a> </td>
<table id=filterRow3 style='display:none' style='width:100%;border-bottom:#ccc solid 1px'>
<td class='filterList'> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterList_3" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterList_3" onchange="updateFilters(this)">
<option>- Select -
<option>Customer Graphics Coordinator
<option>Customer Name
<option>Date Initiated
<option>DRO Status
<option>Flexo Plant
<option>Flexo / Roto
<option>Graphics Vendor
<option>Plant Coordinator
<option>Plate / Cylinder Vendor
<option>Plate / Cylinder #
<option>Alt Cylinder Number
<option>Assign Instruction To
<option>Bases From
<option>Basis Weight
<option>Bleed Amount
<option>Business Entity
<option>Cold Seal
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Continuous Design
<option>Converting Spec
<option>Customer Address
<option>Customer Address Sold To
<option>Customer Brand Name
<option>Customer City
<option>Customer City Sold To
<option>Customer Country
<option>Customer Country Sold To
<option>Customer Design Number
<option>Customer Fax
<option>Customer Fax Sold To
<option>Customer Name Sold To
<option>Customer Part Number
<option>Customer Phone
<option>Customer Phone Sold To
<option>Customer Product Desc
<option>Customer Province
<option>Customer Province Sold To
<option>Customer Ship To
<option>Customer Ship To Location
<option>Customer Sold To
<option>Customer Spec Number
<option>Customer State
<option>Customer State Sold To
<option>Customer Zip
<option>Customer Zip Sold To
<option>Cut Off
<option>Cylinder Circumference
<option>Cylinder Diameter
<option>Cylinder Length
<option>Cylinder Number
<option>Cylinder PD
<option>Cylinder PR
<option>Cylinder Repeat
<option>Date CGC Approved
<option>Date First Order
<option>Date PDF Approved
<option>Date PDF Received
<option>Date Plant GC Approved
<option>Date Plates Ordered
<option>Date Plates Received
<option>Date Plates Requested
<option>Date Plates Shipped
<option>Date TIFF Approved
<option>Date TIFF Received
<option>Date TIFF Requested
<option>Distort Across
<option>Distort Around
<option>Distortion Factor
<option>DRO #
<option>Eyeline Color
<option>Eyemark Color
<option>Eyemark Over
<option>Eyemark Size
<option>Finish Rewind
<option>Finished Product Type
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Graphics Vendor Address
<option>Graphics Vendor Address Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor City
<option>Graphics Vendor City Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Country
<option>Graphics Vendor Country Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor ID
<option>Graphics Vendor ID Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Province
<option>Graphics Vendor Province Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor State
<option>Graphics Vendor State Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip Plates
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Amount
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Date
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Invoice #
<option>Heat Seal
<option>Horizontal Position
<option>Impression Length
<option>Impression Width
<option>Ink Coverage
<option>Instruction Text
<option>Instruction Type
<option>Laser Score
<option>Layout Number
<option>Line Screen
<option>Margins Left
<option>Margins Right
<option>Number Across
<option>Number Around
<option>Odd Even Operations
<option>Order Type
<option>Plate Thickness
<option>Plate Type
<option>Plate (Int or Ext)
<option>Plates Billing Amount
<option>Plates Billing Date
<option>Plates Billing Invoice #
<option>Previous DRO
<option>Print Digit
<option>Print Orientation
<option>Print Rewind
<option>Print Substrate
<option>Row Position
<option>Sales Rep
<option>Send Instruction To
<option>Slit Info
<option>Staggered Amount
<option>Staggered Type
<option>TL Entered Language
<option>UPC Bar Code
<option>UPC No
<option>UPC Print Color
<option>UPC Size
<option>Web Distortion
<td class='filterList' id=filterRowMethods3> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterMethod_3" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterMethod_3" id="FilterMethod_3">
<option>Does not Contain</select>
<td class='filterChoice'><span id=filterChoicesSpan3 style='display:inline'> 
<input name="FilterChoices_3" value="" id="FilterChoices_3"> </span><span id=filterRangeSpan3 style='display:none'> 
<input name="FilterRangeStart_3" value="" id="FilterRangeStart_3">  to  
<input name="FilterRangeEnd_3" value="" id="FilterRangeEnd_3"> </span></td>
<td class='filterAddRemove'> <a onclick="displayNextFilter(&quot;3&quot;);
return false;" href="">add</a> | <a onclick="removeNextFilter(&quot;3&quot;);
return false;" href="">remove</a> </td>
<table id=filterRow4 style='display:none' style='width:100%;border-bottom:#ccc solid 1px'>
<td class='filterList'> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterList_4" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterList_4" onchange="updateFilters(this)">
<option>- Select -
<option>Customer Graphics Coordinator
<option>Customer Name
<option>Date Initiated
<option>DRO Status
<option>Flexo Plant
<option>Flexo / Roto
<option>Graphics Vendor
<option>Plant Coordinator
<option>Plate / Cylinder Vendor
<option>Plate / Cylinder #
<option>Alt Cylinder Number
<option>Assign Instruction To
<option>Bases From
<option>Basis Weight
<option>Bleed Amount
<option>Business Entity
<option>Cold Seal
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Continuous Design
<option>Converting Spec
<option>Customer Address
<option>Customer Address Sold To
<option>Customer Brand Name
<option>Customer City
<option>Customer City Sold To
<option>Customer Country
<option>Customer Country Sold To
<option>Customer Design Number
<option>Customer Fax
<option>Customer Fax Sold To
<option>Customer Name Sold To
<option>Customer Part Number
<option>Customer Phone
<option>Customer Phone Sold To
<option>Customer Product Desc
<option>Customer Province
<option>Customer Province Sold To
<option>Customer Ship To
<option>Customer Ship To Location
<option>Customer Sold To
<option>Customer Spec Number
<option>Customer State
<option>Customer State Sold To
<option>Customer Zip
<option>Customer Zip Sold To
<option>Cut Off
<option>Cylinder Circumference
<option>Cylinder Diameter
<option>Cylinder Length
<option>Cylinder Number
<option>Cylinder PD
<option>Cylinder PR
<option>Cylinder Repeat
<option>Date CGC Approved
<option>Date First Order
<option>Date PDF Approved
<option>Date PDF Received
<option>Date Plant GC Approved
<option>Date Plates Ordered
<option>Date Plates Received
<option>Date Plates Requested
<option>Date Plates Shipped
<option>Date TIFF Approved
<option>Date TIFF Received
<option>Date TIFF Requested
<option>Distort Across
<option>Distort Around
<option>Distortion Factor
<option>DRO #
<option>Eyeline Color
<option>Eyemark Color
<option>Eyemark Over
<option>Eyemark Size
<option>Finish Rewind
<option>Finished Product Type
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Graphics Vendor Address
<option>Graphics Vendor Address Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor City
<option>Graphics Vendor City Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Country
<option>Graphics Vendor Country Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor ID
<option>Graphics Vendor ID Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Province
<option>Graphics Vendor Province Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor State
<option>Graphics Vendor State Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip Plates
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Amount
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Date
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Invoice #
<option>Heat Seal
<option>Horizontal Position
<option>Impression Length
<option>Impression Width
<option>Ink Coverage
<option>Instruction Text
<option>Instruction Type
<option>Laser Score
<option>Layout Number
<option>Line Screen
<option>Margins Left
<option>Margins Right
<option>Number Across
<option>Number Around
<option>Odd Even Operations
<option>Order Type
<option>Plate Thickness
<option>Plate Type
<option>Plate (Int or Ext)
<option>Plates Billing Amount
<option>Plates Billing Date
<option>Plates Billing Invoice #
<option>Previous DRO
<option>Print Digit
<option>Print Orientation
<option>Print Rewind
<option>Print Substrate
<option>Row Position
<option>Sales Rep
<option>Send Instruction To
<option>Slit Info
<option>Staggered Amount
<option>Staggered Type
<option>TL Entered Language
<option>UPC Bar Code
<option>UPC No
<option>UPC Print Color
<option>UPC Size
<option>Web Distortion
<td class='filterList' id=filterRowMethods4> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterMethod_4" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterMethod_4" id="FilterMethod_4">
<option>Does not Contain</select>
<td class='filterChoice'><span id=filterChoicesSpan4 style='display:inline'> 
<input name="FilterChoices_4" value="" id="FilterChoices_4"> </span><span id=filterRangeSpan4 style='display:none'> 
<input name="FilterRangeStart_4" value="" id="FilterRangeStart_4">  to  
<input name="FilterRangeEnd_4" value="" id="FilterRangeEnd_4"> </span></td>
<td class='filterAddRemove'> <a onclick="displayNextFilter(&quot;4&quot;);
return false;" href="">add</a> | <a onclick="removeNextFilter(&quot;4&quot;);
return false;" href="">remove</a> </td>
<table id=filterRow5 style='display:none' style='width:100%;border-bottom:#ccc solid 1px'>
<td class='filterList'> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterList_5" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterList_5" onchange="updateFilters(this)">
<option>- Select -
<option>Customer Graphics Coordinator
<option>Customer Name
<option>Date Initiated
<option>DRO Status
<option>Flexo Plant
<option>Flexo / Roto
<option>Graphics Vendor
<option>Plant Coordinator
<option>Plate / Cylinder Vendor
<option>Plate / Cylinder #
<option>Alt Cylinder Number
<option>Assign Instruction To
<option>Bases From
<option>Basis Weight
<option>Bleed Amount
<option>Business Entity
<option>Cold Seal
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Continuous Design
<option>Converting Spec
<option>Customer Address
<option>Customer Address Sold To
<option>Customer Brand Name
<option>Customer City
<option>Customer City Sold To
<option>Customer Country
<option>Customer Country Sold To
<option>Customer Design Number
<option>Customer Fax
<option>Customer Fax Sold To
<option>Customer Name Sold To
<option>Customer Part Number
<option>Customer Phone
<option>Customer Phone Sold To
<option>Customer Product Desc
<option>Customer Province
<option>Customer Province Sold To
<option>Customer Ship To
<option>Customer Ship To Location
<option>Customer Sold To
<option>Customer Spec Number
<option>Customer State
<option>Customer State Sold To
<option>Customer Zip
<option>Customer Zip Sold To
<option>Cut Off
<option>Cylinder Circumference
<option>Cylinder Diameter
<option>Cylinder Length
<option>Cylinder Number
<option>Cylinder PD
<option>Cylinder PR
<option>Cylinder Repeat
<option>Date CGC Approved
<option>Date First Order
<option>Date PDF Approved
<option>Date PDF Received
<option>Date Plant GC Approved
<option>Date Plates Ordered
<option>Date Plates Received
<option>Date Plates Requested
<option>Date Plates Shipped
<option>Date TIFF Approved
<option>Date TIFF Received
<option>Date TIFF Requested
<option>Distort Across
<option>Distort Around
<option>Distortion Factor
<option>DRO #
<option>Eyeline Color
<option>Eyemark Color
<option>Eyemark Over
<option>Eyemark Size
<option>Finish Rewind
<option>Finished Product Type
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Graphics Vendor Address
<option>Graphics Vendor Address Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor City
<option>Graphics Vendor City Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Country
<option>Graphics Vendor Country Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor ID
<option>Graphics Vendor ID Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Province
<option>Graphics Vendor Province Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor State
<option>Graphics Vendor State Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip Plates
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Amount
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Date
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Invoice #
<option>Heat Seal
<option>Horizontal Position
<option>Impression Length
<option>Impression Width
<option>Ink Coverage
<option>Instruction Text
<option>Instruction Type
<option>Laser Score
<option>Layout Number
<option>Line Screen
<option>Margins Left
<option>Margins Right
<option>Number Across
<option>Number Around
<option>Odd Even Operations
<option>Order Type
<option>Plate Thickness
<option>Plate Type
<option>Plate (Int or Ext)
<option>Plates Billing Amount
<option>Plates Billing Date
<option>Plates Billing Invoice #
<option>Previous DRO
<option>Print Digit
<option>Print Orientation
<option>Print Rewind
<option>Print Substrate
<option>Row Position
<option>Sales Rep
<option>Send Instruction To
<option>Slit Info
<option>Staggered Amount
<option>Staggered Type
<option>TL Entered Language
<option>UPC Bar Code
<option>UPC No
<option>UPC Print Color
<option>UPC Size
<option>Web Distortion
<td class='filterList' id=filterRowMethods5> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterMethod_5" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterMethod_5" id="FilterMethod_5">
<option>Does not Contain</select>
<td class='filterChoice'><span id=filterChoicesSpan5 style='display:inline'> 
<input name="FilterChoices_5" value="" id="FilterChoices_5"> </span><span id=filterRangeSpan5 style='display:none'> 
<input name="FilterRangeStart_5" value="" id="FilterRangeStart_5">  to  
<input name="FilterRangeEnd_5" value="" id="FilterRangeEnd_5"> </span></td>
<td class='filterAddRemove'> <a onclick="displayNextFilter(&quot;5&quot;);
return false;" href="">add</a> | <a onclick="removeNextFilter(&quot;5&quot;);
return false;" href="">remove</a> </td>
<table id=filterRow6 style='display:none' style='width:100%;border-bottom:#ccc solid 1px'>
<td class='filterList'> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterList_6" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterList_6" onchange="updateFilters(this)">
<option>- Select -
<option>Customer Graphics Coordinator
<option>Customer Name
<option>Date Initiated
<option>DRO Status
<option>Flexo Plant
<option>Flexo / Roto
<option>Graphics Vendor
<option>Plant Coordinator
<option>Plate / Cylinder Vendor
<option>Plate / Cylinder #
<option>Alt Cylinder Number
<option>Assign Instruction To
<option>Bases From
<option>Basis Weight
<option>Bleed Amount
<option>Business Entity
<option>Cold Seal
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Cold Seal Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Continuous Design
<option>Converting Spec
<option>Customer Address
<option>Customer Address Sold To
<option>Customer Brand Name
<option>Customer City
<option>Customer City Sold To
<option>Customer Country
<option>Customer Country Sold To
<option>Customer Design Number
<option>Customer Fax
<option>Customer Fax Sold To
<option>Customer Name Sold To
<option>Customer Part Number
<option>Customer Phone
<option>Customer Phone Sold To
<option>Customer Product Desc
<option>Customer Province
<option>Customer Province Sold To
<option>Customer Ship To
<option>Customer Ship To Location
<option>Customer Sold To
<option>Customer Spec Number
<option>Customer State
<option>Customer State Sold To
<option>Customer Zip
<option>Customer Zip Sold To
<option>Cut Off
<option>Cylinder Circumference
<option>Cylinder Diameter
<option>Cylinder Length
<option>Cylinder Number
<option>Cylinder PD
<option>Cylinder PR
<option>Cylinder Repeat
<option>Date CGC Approved
<option>Date First Order
<option>Date PDF Approved
<option>Date PDF Received
<option>Date Plant GC Approved
<option>Date Plates Ordered
<option>Date Plates Received
<option>Date Plates Requested
<option>Date Plates Shipped
<option>Date TIFF Approved
<option>Date TIFF Received
<option>Date TIFF Requested
<option>Distort Across
<option>Distort Around
<option>Distortion Factor
<option>DRO #
<option>Eyeline Color
<option>Eyemark Color
<option>Eyemark Over
<option>Eyemark Size
<option>Finish Rewind
<option>Finished Product Type
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Amount
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Date
<option>Graphics and Cylinders Billing Invoice #
<option>Graphics Vendor Address
<option>Graphics Vendor Address Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor City
<option>Graphics Vendor City Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Country
<option>Graphics Vendor Country Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax
<option>Graphics Vendor Fax Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor ID
<option>Graphics Vendor ID Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone
<option>Graphics Vendor Phone Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Province
<option>Graphics Vendor Province Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor State
<option>Graphics Vendor State Plates
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip
<option>Graphics Vendor Zip Plates
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Amount
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Date
<option>Graphics (Flexo) Billing Invoice #
<option>Heat Seal
<option>Horizontal Position
<option>Impression Length
<option>Impression Width
<option>Ink Coverage
<option>Instruction Text
<option>Instruction Type
<option>Laser Score
<option>Layout Number
<option>Line Screen
<option>Margins Left
<option>Margins Right
<option>Number Across
<option>Number Around
<option>Odd Even Operations
<option>Order Type
<option>Plate Thickness
<option>Plate Type
<option>Plate (Int or Ext)
<option>Plates Billing Amount
<option>Plates Billing Date
<option>Plates Billing Invoice #
<option>Previous DRO
<option>Print Digit
<option>Print Orientation
<option>Print Rewind
<option>Print Substrate
<option>Row Position
<option>Sales Rep
<option>Send Instruction To
<option>Slit Info
<option>Staggered Amount
<option>Staggered Type
<option>TL Entered Language
<option>UPC Bar Code
<option>UPC No
<option>UPC Print Color
<option>UPC Size
<option>Web Distortion
<td class='filterList' id=filterRowMethods6> 
<input name="%%Surrogate_FilterMethod_6" type="hidden" value="1">
<select name="FilterMethod_6" id="FilterMethod_6">
<option>Does not Contain</select>
<td class='filterChoice'><span id=filterChoicesSpan6 style='display:inline'> 
<input name="FilterChoices_6" value="" id="FilterChoices_6"> </span><span id=filterRangeSpan6 style='display:none'> 
<input name="FilterRangeStart_6" value="" id="FilterRangeStart_6">  to  
<input name="FilterRangeEnd_6" value="" id="FilterRangeEnd_6"> </span></td>
<td class='filterAddRemove'> <a onclick="displayNextFilter(&quot;6&quot;);
return false;" href="">ad
I have attached the .html file --- I am not allowed to send a URL..
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Part and Inventory Search

