Technical User
Our office here in the UK have had Alcatel OmniPCX Office systems for some time. It has been managed remotely at considerable expense, but one of the directors has given us the 'good' news that he has managed to get them to release the password so that I can manage it. Where do I start? I am familiar with telecoms in that I used to install Octel/VMX products for a living, but I know nothing regarding an Alcatel PBX, not even how to connect to it.
We have 4 systems connected over a 2mb leased line 'hub n spoke' network.
I would be grateful for any pointers, web sites etc where I can start the learning process.
Many thanks
Jonathan Schofield
We have 4 systems connected over a 2mb leased line 'hub n spoke' network.
I would be grateful for any pointers, web sites etc where I can start the learning process.
Many thanks
Jonathan Schofield