setup details: two aix boxes with 4.3.3-10 located in two different locations.
as per the client requirement. we triggering a cron job at regular 10 minutes for
checking the following things.
1. checking the node status using #ping -c 10 <hostname>
2. Checking the filesystem utilization of two filesystems example: fs1, fs2. using #rsh with df combination.
if filesystem 'fs1' within the threshold (90%) then transfer files from primary site to remote site.
if filesystem 'fs1' is reached threshhold then tranfer files to 'fs2' filesystem.
Each file may be 0 - 3mb file size. two locations are connected with 2MB leased line.
We are using 100mbps ethernet adapter at both sending three files concurrently to the remote site.
Problem: it works well. But once in three days or four days. the files are transfered to 'fs2' file system even though 'fs1' filesystem usage only 20%.
We stressed ourself more on network performance/throuhput. increased tx_que_size, tcp_sendspace,tcp_recvspace to 128kb. no pockets dropped at the interface level.
Any body know, why we are facing this problem.
is there any limitations on no. of rsh(remote)sessions or interms of sockets, threads.
Expert comments/advice required.
Thanks in advance