I am facing following backup problem in AIX. Backup goes
beyond 100% thro.backup command.Then I aborted backup.
# backup -0 -u -f /dev/rmt0.1 /data_01
backup: The date of this level 0 backup is Sat May 10 12:53:22 IST 2003.
backup: The date of the last level 0 backup is the epoch.
backup: Backing up /dev/rlv01 (/data_01) to /dev/rmt0.1.
backup: 0511-251 The file system is still mounted; data may not be consistent.
Use the umount command to unmount the filesystem; then do the backup.
backup: Mapping regular files. This is Pass 1.
backup: Mapping directories. This is Pass 2.
backup: There are an estimated 2070671 1k blocks.
backup: Backing up directories. This is Pass 3.
backup: Backing up regular files. This is Pass 4.
backup: 2.20% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 222:41.
backup: 7.46% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 124:06.
backup: 13.36% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 97:18.
backup: 19.33% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 83:28.
backup: 25.34% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 73:41.
backup: 31.14% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 66:25.
backup: 37.01% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 59:39.
backup: 43.01% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 53:04.
backup: 49.01% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 46:51.
backup: 54.93% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 41:04.
backup: 60.63% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 35:44.
backup: 66.45% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 30:19.
backup: 72.39% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 24:49.
backup: 78.35% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 19:21.
backup: 84.33% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 13:57.
backup: 90.20% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 8:42.
backup: 96.09% of the backup is done. It should be finished in 3:27.
backup: 102.09% of the backup is done. It is overdue by 1:50.
backup: 108.06% of the backup is done. It is overdue by 7:05.
backup: 113.94% of the backup is done. It is overdue by 12:14.
backup: 119.62% of the backup is done. It is overdue by 17:14.
^Cbackup: The interrupt signal has been received.
backup: Please respond: Do you want to end the backup? (yes or no): yes
backup: The backup command has ended abnormally.
Please revert back.
Sys Admin.