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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!


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Aug 11, 1999
hey I am programmming my own version of checkers and I wonder if any one can help me with any info as to how to programm the brain. I can do the basic moves but i just cannot not program it to act on a hunch. any taughts on how to program a hunch. I know how to make it read files and check for best move but when the moves are equal lost and win I want it to go with a hunch and not a predictable random number. I believe that is what make us human we are none predictable. We go with our guts to offend and it sometime works and wometime doesnt. any help would be great
hmmm....I jsut had an idea: why not have your computer "player" save the human players last, say, 12 moves in a special file then, when it gets into a jam, go through a subroutine or to and try to "figure out" what the opponent is up to; then go with a move that is most likely to throuw off the sequence of the human...this *sure* beats random numbers or waiting indefinately! ;-)<br>
I wrote an IA app that pits 2 equal armies against each other. Every event triggers a RANDOMIZE TIMER.<br>
After three years, the blues and the reds are still at war. Which probably proves ONE thing... Artificial Intelligence doesn't exist. Computers only do what we tell them to do.<br>
Live in peace, ya dirty !@#$%^&s!<br>
If you have QB45 and are interested in a complex non-solution to an age-old problem, respond here and we'll find a way to get the source code to you. You might find a way to apply the logic to the checkers problem (but you'll have to find a way to keep the program from moving YOUR pieces). lol :)<br>

I checked the source on that program. It will run just fine under Qbasic (shipped with DOS). It isn't true AI (nothing IS) but it demonstrates how to allow 500 pseudo warriors and civilians to make their own "decisions" (where to go for food, how and where to attack, how and where to retreat).<br>
It's 31kb of ASCII BASIC source and you can have it to do whatever you want... change it, sell it, call it your own work (now THAT'S freeware).<br>

Im tryin 2 make an AI program - which understands your typin and responds sensibly. Its bloody hard! Can anyone help ME?
Rottbott, the availabilty of &quot;help&quot; will always depend on the complexity of the task. Break the task down into manageable chunks and ask about them: help will always be available.<br><br>Use the entire task as a question and you won't receive any help (We are human, like you, and we don't know how to answer the question &quot;How can I eliminte hunger?&quot;. If you ask &quot;How can I feed a child named Bob Smith?&quot; we might be able to provide an answer or, at least, point you in the right direction).<br><br>What is the first problem you encounter with your AI application? (Let's proceed from the beginning.)<br> <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= plain black box</a><br>
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