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AI Programming, plz msg me !! 1

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Aug 4, 2001
Dear All

Since a few years i am wondering abaout the large spectrum of knowlegde availiable in our minds. Whatever we learn, however we act allways more alternatives are present. Today the human mind grows in a very fast learning-process which opens a new and wide spectrum of knowledge and questions. Many times we are unable or unqualified to recongize a sitiuation in his full relationships altough of our knowledge but tough, we derive most of the informations in our minds. Deriving an information can create unclear and untransparent environments or situations but isnt it neccessary or essential to design our future ? Where navigates these groundless actions ? (where is the ground ?!?)
To be sure on which ground we navigate can only be solved by an AI System, the suitable environment. Basicaly, this is a new dimension of thinking. So, like other fundamental elements, its needing a base structure/block, like DNA/RNA which is combined with other structures or models.
Thatfore i have developed a basic system, which can expand free scaleable. I need help from other programmers, which have experience in this area, special in generating codes, plz msg me
why not put a way to get a hold of you So long and thanks for all the fish.
Sorry guys, i am looking for someone experieced in generating source from an availible logic-table, depending on the data-tables (data-block => logic-block(1..n)) which looks like this:
data block/chip: defindes the enviroment of the AI system (i.e objects,memory, limits ...)
logix block/chip: has only logic structures (models, combinations)
.... and more fundamental blocks:

example: DATA_TABLE (ID num, NAME char, RELATION1 char, ... RELn char)
values (2, 'Computer','Mouse','Office','Keyboard')
values (4, 'Mouse','Modem','Keyboard')
LOGIC_TABLE (ID num, NAME char, String1 char)
values (6, 'Addition','Object1 + Objekt2')
values (8, 'Compare',' ... ')
values (10, 'Expand','... 5000rows source ...')

Insert into DATA_TABLE values (seq, 'Modem', ......)
==> should produce in ACTION_TABLE:

1. entry 'Modem' is the first entry in data-table.
2. entry 'Modem' probably expands relation-entry in data_table rowID=2
3. entry 'Modem' reduces memory/relation-string-size

So its a little bit hard to describe an AI problem, but everything is just a logic, and that is for the moment all what i try to add in the DB.
If you have any other idea or additions to create logics in dynamical form you are allways welcome.
did you set up a web site or any web resource (e drive or whatever) so that collaborative work can be done ? or do you expect this forum to be the place to discuss your ideas ? ------
please review FAQ183-874 - this will help you to get the best out of tt
[ "you" is not someone in particular - don't take it too personnal ]
just a personal thought - Using a database is probably not the best idea to build an AI system with, allow me to explain why:

I wake up.
I open my eyes.
I look around.
I reach my arm out and turn off the alarm clock.
I pull the sheets off my body.
I sit up, rotate my body, and place my feet on the floor.
I stand up.

Now let's redo the basic action of standing with basic logic:
If the alarm clock goes off:
I wake up. (sometimes, but that's just me!)
If I am fully rested, then:
I open my eyes.
I look around.
If the alarm clock is still going off:
If I am well rested:
I reach my arm out and turn off the alarm clock.
If there is no one around:
I pull the sheets off my body.
If I can move: (sometimes this is a problem for me in the AM)
I sit up, rotate my body, and place my feet on the floor.
I stand up.

Now let's do another "wake up" scenario:
If there is a fire in my house:
I wake up. (I hope)
I rip the sheets off my body and run the hell out of there.

I could infinitely expand this basic action to thousands of VERY specific scenarios. A database to track all these different senarios would grow larger than the DOD/pentagon, and besides, it wouldn't even be "intelligent", following a preset action, when every scenario is slightly different.

Logic tables would need to be infinitely complex, and not terribly effective. I may want to reach my arm out, but not neccesarily reach for the alarm clock.


PS- I don't believe true AI is possible, because intelligence makes people crazy, and do you really want a bunch of crazy computers running around?
well have you seen prolog it an "smart" lang it was made in the 70 it used for airlines timing work well you give it some simple like I like firut, I am human, jim is human and it will tell you that jim may like and apple and it databased it how the data view check it out gunthnp
Have you ever woken up and realized you where not alive.
Well...I have always believed that AI was a technology waiting for money and interest. I predict that AI will be the next place Venture Capitalists will be putting there money.

pivan In not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
actually ai is already here, but the name has changed - because people would expect "intelligent" machines and were so desapointed back in the early 80's when they didn't saw those machines ..., so we developped some ai techniques, sold them, and now there are plenty of those (even in your car, you washing machine and so on)
as for prolog, yes, the 2 main ai langages (as far as i know) are lisp and prolog
i'd be glad to help anyone wanting to code in those, as it's been soooooo long i didn't play with prolog and lisp - and i LOVE those languages :))) ------
please review FAQ183-874 - this will help you to get the best out of tt
[ "you" is not someone in particular - don't take it too personnal ]
Hi iza:

What is a good Prolog compiler?
What is the differance betwen Prolog and Lisp?

Why cant I find a good example of AI...the examples that I have looked at require that you program the answer.??Whats up with that?

Such as the case of the Farmer on the riverr bank with a Fox, a Chicken and a bag of feed.

The Prolog examples I have seen require the answer be programmed ( hard wired) into the application which is only good for solving the one problem. Also the GUI sucked .

Can you direct me to a good web site or source for AI.

I am getting way bored with Java and intranet applications development.

pivan In not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
are good links for ai programming
is referencing almost all ai-related material on the web- you definitly should go there and read ... a lot !!!

i've never ever programmed the answer !!! basically (very roughly), you just DESCRIBE what the goal is, and then all the allowed "moves", and then prolog (or lisps) examines all the possibilities for you and it gives you all the possible moves to reach the goal - (and if you don't have any goal it goes to all the branches)

you don't do the same things with lisp and prolog - they ARE different

and about a gui, i've never used any (but emacs !!)
Personally I don't believe true AI will be developed rather that it will be discovered.
it depends on what you call "true ai" coz most of the electronic stuff YOU use are full of ai (but maybe it's false ai ;] )
actually the definition of true ai would be something like "passes the turing test" i guess - so yes, our electronical devices don't reaaaally pass this test - altough for instance, if i say loud "call xxx" my phone DO call xxx, and this could be close to the test ....
I'm not a programmer at heart, but have been dabbing in the dark with the AI stuff for a while. A very interesting program i came across is called Neattools. You can look it up on the net. It is a visual object program. So far, this program have the ability to use logical gates and u can use it to build any intelligence for a software/hardware u wish. It appears to be use a lot for virtual devices, but the medical and army are making very powerful use of it as well. Look it up, it might be of interest to those of u that are getting bored to death.
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