While playing with a video benchmark, I was notified that the "AGP Fast Write" was turned off, and should be turned on. How? I couldn't find anything under XP help, or in Nvidea settings.
That's what I thought, so that was the first place I looked. I have a Pheonix - Award BIOS. v6.00PG. I couldn't find anything. Of course, they hid the settings for CPU/Memory speed quite well. Does anyone know where they hid this setting? It's probably right there, but I can't see it. BTW, it's an ECS K7VTA3 mobo.
I didn't see anything in the manual about AGP Fast Write. It doesn't look as if that motherboard has support for Fast Write. After looking on the website more, I came across this:
My AGP VGA card is support AGP fast write function, but I could not find it in the BIOS setting?
Our standard released BIOS already disable this function in order to case the unstable issue. Even yout AGP VGA is supported this function if you open this function it maybe will cause the unstable issue.
SO it looks as if ECS has removed that option from the BIOS altogether due to some instability issues.
Thanks guys, I never thought the mobo would disable a function like that. What I was doing was checking on the (MS site), about high definition use. Thay have a "Wizard" that checks your system and tells you if you can get Hi-Def. One of the short-comings of my system was that "AGP Fast Write" must be on". Guess I can forget about that for now!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
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