I recently removed an AGP display card from my computer to try it in another PC, it didn’t work in the other PC, and when I put it back in my own it didn’t work there either, no settings had been changed, assuming the card had blown due to static damage I bought another AGP card, this did not work either. The symptoms are (with all cards); 1 long 2 short beeps at POST, followed after an interval by 8 short 6 short 8 short 9 short then a repeating series of 8 short beeps, and no display what so ever.
I have now tried 3 AGP cards one of which I know to be working, with no luck. I have tried setting display to 16 colours 640x480, and the adaptor to standard display adaptor.
Win98 SE,
Athlon Thunderbird 800,
128 meg RAM,
M/Board 663as,
VIA KT-133 chipset,
BIOS-Info, c't/Andreas Stiller, 10/97
Computer ID : FC, Type : AT
BIOS Date : 08/04/00
Award BIOS found : Award Modular BIOS v6.00PGN
Award ID-String : 08/04/2000-8363-686A-6A6LMJ19C-00,
Monitor Prinston Graphics EO 710
Display adaptors tried:
ATI rage 128.
Mercury TNT2 m64, (NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 M64).
Jetway Wonder TNT2.
Please HELP!
P.S. System works fine with a PCI card.
I have now tried 3 AGP cards one of which I know to be working, with no luck. I have tried setting display to 16 colours 640x480, and the adaptor to standard display adaptor.
Win98 SE,
Athlon Thunderbird 800,
128 meg RAM,
M/Board 663as,
VIA KT-133 chipset,
BIOS-Info, c't/Andreas Stiller, 10/97
Computer ID : FC, Type : AT
BIOS Date : 08/04/00
Award BIOS found : Award Modular BIOS v6.00PGN
Award ID-String : 08/04/2000-8363-686A-6A6LMJ19C-00,
Monitor Prinston Graphics EO 710
Display adaptors tried:
ATI rage 128.
Mercury TNT2 m64, (NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 M64).
Jetway Wonder TNT2.
Please HELP!
P.S. System works fine with a PCI card.