Hi All,
I'm completely new to this technology.
Problem: I have 2 Excel files from which to extract financial data. File Trade contains transactions and File Balance contains balances. If a record appears in File Trade, its matching balance record will appear in File Balance, but not vice versa. File Trade could have multiple transactions for a particular financial group.
Like so...
File Trade records:
Cusip Advisor BuyOrSell Amount
1 ABC B 1000.00
1 ABC B 50.00
2 123 S 500.00
2 123 S 20.00
File Balance records:
Cusip Advisor AnotherField MarketValue
1 ABC IL 50000.00
2 123 MI 75000.00
3 XYZ OH 30000.00
4 AAA MI 90000.00
5 TTT IL 80000.00
What I need to do, Step 1:
Work on the File Trade data so that I end up with just 2 records with aggregations of Amount placed in some new column.
Like so...
New File Trade set of records, call it File Trade 2:
Cusip Advisor BuyOrSell Amount
1 ABC B 1050.00
2 123 S 520.00
What I need to do, Step 2:
I need to merge the data from File Balance and File Trade 2 using Cusip and Advisor as merge keys. This part I know I can accomplish using Merge Join and a Left Join.
What I'm not clear about:
How do I accomplish the aggregation in Step 1, creating a new temporary data store to use in the Step 2 merge?
I hope I've explained this problem sufficiently well enough.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I'm completely new to this technology.
Problem: I have 2 Excel files from which to extract financial data. File Trade contains transactions and File Balance contains balances. If a record appears in File Trade, its matching balance record will appear in File Balance, but not vice versa. File Trade could have multiple transactions for a particular financial group.
Like so...
File Trade records:
Cusip Advisor BuyOrSell Amount
1 ABC B 1000.00
1 ABC B 50.00
2 123 S 500.00
2 123 S 20.00
File Balance records:
Cusip Advisor AnotherField MarketValue
1 ABC IL 50000.00
2 123 MI 75000.00
3 XYZ OH 30000.00
4 AAA MI 90000.00
5 TTT IL 80000.00
What I need to do, Step 1:
Work on the File Trade data so that I end up with just 2 records with aggregations of Amount placed in some new column.
Like so...
New File Trade set of records, call it File Trade 2:
Cusip Advisor BuyOrSell Amount
1 ABC B 1050.00
2 123 S 520.00
What I need to do, Step 2:
I need to merge the data from File Balance and File Trade 2 using Cusip and Advisor as merge keys. This part I know I can accomplish using Merge Join and a Left Join.
What I'm not clear about:
How do I accomplish the aggregation in Step 1, creating a new temporary data store to use in the Step 2 merge?
I hope I've explained this problem sufficiently well enough.
Thanks in advance for any help!