For Crystal 8.5, and assuming that you want to measure whole years from the date of birth to current, I'd do it by formula fields:
a) First find the difference in months, @Months:
DateDiff("m", {}, currentdate)
b) Convert this to whole years @WholeYears
Truncate((@Months/12, 0)
c) Check for birthdays in the current month but ahead of the current date, to get @TrueYears
If Datepart("m", {}) = Datepart("m", currentdate)
and Datepart("d", {}) > Datepart("d", currentdate)
then @WholeYears-1
else @WholeYears
d) Test @TrueYears for age-band
If @TrueYears < 18 then "Less than 18"
else if @TrueYears < 23 then "18-22"
d) Test @TrueYears for age-band
if isnull ({}) then "Birthdate not known"
else if @TrueYears < 18 then "Less than 18"
else if @TrueYears < 23 then "18-22"
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