This is Outlook 2000, installed from the Office 2000 for Small Businesses CD on servers running 2000 Server.
I have discovered that on all the machines where I have installed sp3, if you go into Tools, Accounts is not in the drop-down list. The machines that have SR-1 DO have the 'Accounts' option under Tools.
I need to change an account setting.
Has anyone else noticed this or am I losing it?
Thanks, John
This is Outlook 2000, installed from the Office 2000 for Small Businesses CD on servers running 2000 Server.
I have discovered that on all the machines where I have installed sp3, if you go into Tools, Accounts is not in the drop-down list. The machines that have SR-1 DO have the 'Accounts' option under Tools.
I need to change an account setting.
Has anyone else noticed this or am I losing it?
Thanks, John