Hmmm, I'm stuck and would appreciate any help available (bet you've never read that on here before - LOL).
I'm building a dynamically populated af:selectonechoice and it works almost exactly as I'd like it. I'm grabbing distinct years from our database for those records which are active via a query in a sessionfacadebean - this query simply orders them in decending order (for example: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008). But, my problem is that I can only get the page to load with the selectonechoice defaulted to the first year.
Here's the code as it sits now . . .
jspx page:
and here's the code from the backing bean:
I've tried any and all manner of voodoo and code permutations, but, obviously, I'm missing the obvious somewhere. The selectoncechoice ALWAYS defaults to whatever the first year is in the query - and, of course, we want the years in order. But, we'd like the page to load with the current year selected by default.
* I've tried setting a value of "holder" in the backing bean when I'm working with the current year, and then reference that in the jspx page with the "value" element of the af:selectOneChoice - like this --> value="#{backing_reports_calholiday.holder}" . . . but, that didn't work.
* I can, of course, hard code the "value" element of the af:selectOneChoice when I "know" what the placement of the current year is in my result set . . . but, obviously, that's not the solution.
Hmmm (Image of my scratching my chin thoughtfully)
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm building a dynamically populated af:selectonechoice and it works almost exactly as I'd like it. I'm grabbing distinct years from our database for those records which are active via a query in a sessionfacadebean - this query simply orders them in decending order (for example: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008). But, my problem is that I can only get the page to load with the selectonechoice defaulted to the first year.
Here's the code as it sits now . . .
jspx page:
<!-- Dynamic selectOneChoice of only available years from vHolidayDisplayFlag -->
<af:selectOneChoice value="0" autoSubmit="true" required="false"
id="selectOneChoiceYears" label="Year"
<f:selectItems id="selectItemsYears" binding="#{backing_reports_calholiday.selectItemsYears}" value="#{backing_reports_calholiday.availableYears}"/>
<!-- End of Dynamic selectOneChoice of only available years from vHolidayDisplayFlag -->
and here's the code from the backing bean:
// get Available Years
// This is designed to populate the selectOneChoice list with ONLY those years which are available in V_Holiday_Display_Flag
public List<SelectItem> getAvailableYears() {
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
Integer currentyear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int counter = 0;
int holder = 0;
OperationBinding operationBinding = getBindings().getOperationBinding("queryVHolidayScheduleByYearsAvailable");
List<Long> years = (List<Long>)operationBinding.execute();
Vector<SelectItem> listYears = new Vector<SelectItem>();
for(Long year : years) {
listYears.add(new SelectItem(Integer.toString(counter), year.toString()));
selectOneChoiceYears.setSubmittedValue(Integer.toString(counter)); // trying this?
selectOneChoiceYears.setValue(Integer.toString(counter)); // trying this?
return listYears;
I've tried any and all manner of voodoo and code permutations, but, obviously, I'm missing the obvious somewhere. The selectoncechoice ALWAYS defaults to whatever the first year is in the query - and, of course, we want the years in order. But, we'd like the page to load with the current year selected by default.
* I've tried setting a value of "holder" in the backing bean when I'm working with the current year, and then reference that in the jspx page with the "value" element of the af:selectOneChoice - like this --> value="#{backing_reports_calholiday.holder}" . . . but, that didn't work.
* I can, of course, hard code the "value" element of the af:selectOneChoice when I "know" what the placement of the current year is in my result set . . . but, obviously, that's not the solution.
Hmmm (Image of my scratching my chin thoughtfully)
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.