We are going to be moving our RS6000 server from our old offices to a new building about 10 miles away. This server is about 7-8 years old and has been constantly running all this time, apart from the odd powerdown for an hour or so.
Does anyone have any experience in moving these types of machines. Would just a full backup, mksysb, powerdown and carefully load into a truck be enough or is there a set proccedure that people have followed in the past.
Specific concerns I do have are
1) Having the machines powered down for so long, could the cooling cause some of the boards to break down. Should the machines be left for some time before moving them to let them cool down fully.
2) Is there any way to protect the hard drives from the rigours of the truck journey.
3) Are there any checks that could be run on powering up to ensure everything is fine.
I'd be gratefull for any advice
We are going to be moving our RS6000 server from our old offices to a new building about 10 miles away. This server is about 7-8 years old and has been constantly running all this time, apart from the odd powerdown for an hour or so.
Does anyone have any experience in moving these types of machines. Would just a full backup, mksysb, powerdown and carefully load into a truck be enough or is there a set proccedure that people have followed in the past.
Specific concerns I do have are
1) Having the machines powered down for so long, could the cooling cause some of the boards to break down. Should the machines be left for some time before moving them to let them cool down fully.
2) Is there any way to protect the hard drives from the rigours of the truck journey.
3) Are there any checks that could be run on powering up to ensure everything is fine.
I'd be gratefull for any advice