Getting ready to move from the Access environment to the web...but before I dive in for several hundred hours of academic self-instruction could I as a couple of you nice programmers out there if ASP is the answer?
I would rather learn ASP bc of the SQL already under my belt, and not so interested in purchasing Cold Fusion. Data Pages in Access looked like a possible route but doesn't work on Netscape, that that's out...
Just a word of advice? I need Charts (OLE objects) ran by SQL queries, and general combo box repopulation events, etc... (User input....database output) on the web and would like suggestions on whether ASP is the proper decision. Thanks in advance,
Isadore, Auburn University
I would rather learn ASP bc of the SQL already under my belt, and not so interested in purchasing Cold Fusion. Data Pages in Access looked like a possible route but doesn't work on Netscape, that that's out...
Just a word of advice? I need Charts (OLE objects) ran by SQL queries, and general combo box repopulation events, etc... (User input....database output) on the web and would like suggestions on whether ASP is the proper decision. Thanks in advance,
Isadore, Auburn University