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Advice on communicating with the serial port

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Dec 16, 2002
Hi people,

I am supposed to communicate with a cashcard reader through the COM port but i have no previous experience interfacing with it.

I do not have one in my office but i am able to borrow it for two days for testing.

To maximize the two days, i hope to be more prepared. i have read up on some basic vb codes on communicating with it already.
But i do not know how can i verify whether my codes work anot..

e.g whether it received the string it should receive
Can you guys give some advice?

- I heard some people saying a DLL file of the reader, if i do get it.. how am i going to make use of that to communicate with the reader.

-if i do not get it , how am i going to communicate with the reader.. e.g. i send some trings over and can verify that it has receveived it .
very basic testing..

- what else should i look out for / other helpful advice

I need to test some basic two-way communication with it.

Use a MSComm control. Initialize it in the Form Load event (port #, port settings, open the port etc).

Then use the OnComm event to get incoming characters and trap errors. The OnComm event is raised everytime something happens at the port; you then test the CommEvent property to find out what happened and act accordingly.

Here's some typical initialization code:

'Initialize the MS Comm control
With comCtl
'Set the port
.CommPort = 2
'Set the settings
.Settings = "9600,N,1,1"
'Input buffer size in bytes
.InBufferSize = 1024
'Character threshold at which OnComm event fires
.RThreshold = 1
.SThreshold = 1
'Return the whole buffer with the input property
.InputLen = 0
'Input mode is text
.InputMode = comInputModeText
'3rd party hardware uses XOnXOff handshaking
.Handshaking = comXOnXOff
'Open the port
.PortOpen = True
End With

Here's an example of using the OnComm event to receive a string (in this case caller info such as name and address), parse it into database fields and create a record. The incoming chars are removed from the input buffer and stored in a global variable until the char that signifies the end of a record has been received. The code is actually running in Lotus Approach but the language is almost identical to VBA.

Sub Oncomm(Source As Mscomm)

'--- When the MS Comm control raises the OnComm event

Dim strErrMsg As String 'Error message
Dim intErr As Integer 'Error number
Dim intLocked As Integer 'fCreateIncident returns True in this parameter if the system record was locked
Dim strIn As String 'Buffer for received characters
Dim strMsg As String 'Msgbox text
Dim udtData As INCIDENTDATA 'Buffer the data when parsed into fields

On Error Goto ErrTrap

'Process the event
Select Case Source.CommEvent
Case comEventBreak 'A Break was received
intErr = comEventBreak
strErrMsg = ERR_BREAK
Case comEventFrame 'Framing Error
intErr = comEventFrame
strErrMsg = ERR_FRAME
Case comEventOverrun 'Data Lost
intErr = comEventOverrun
Case comEventRxOver 'Receive buffer overflow
intErr = comEventRxOver
strErrMsg = ERR_RXOVER
Case comEventRxParity 'Parity Error
intErr = comEventRxParity
Case comEventTxFull 'Transmit buffer full
intErr = comEventTxFull
strErrMsg = ERR_TXFULL
Case comEventDCB 'Unexpected error retrieving DCB
intErr = comEventDCB
strErrMsg = ERR_DCB
'Communication events
Case comEvCD 'Change in the CD line
'Do nothing
Case comEvCTS 'Change in the CTS line
'Do nothing
Case comEvDSR 'Change in the DSR line
'Do nothing
Case comEvRing 'Change in the Ring Indicator
'Do nothing
Case comEvReceive 'Received RThreshold # of chars
'Remove the char from the buffer
strIn = Source.Input
If gintRx911 Then
'If we are receiving a data block
Select Case Asc(strIn)
Case 3 'It's the ETX character to indicate the end of data
'Set the receiving flag
gintRx911 = False
'Send an ACK character to acknowledge data received
'else the Power 911 will rety per its Retry setting
Source.Output = Chr$(6)
'Create the incident record
'Parse the data from the buffer into the udt
If fParseCallerData(gstrData, udtData) Then
'Data parsed successfully, create the record
If Not fCreateIncident(udtData, intLocked) Then
If intLocked Then
'Function failed because System record was locked
strMsg = "Cannot create an incident record for the incoming call." & fAddCF(2)
strMsg = strMsg & "Unable to return the next serial number from System.dbf."
strMsg = strMsg & " The system record was locked by another user."
Msgbox strMsg, 16, "System Error"
'An unknown error occurred that didn't raise a run-time error
Msgbox "An unknown error occurred. Unable to create a new incident record.", 16, "System Error"
End If
End If
'No data parsed, report the error
Msgbox "The Power 911 system has transmitted STX and ETX characters but no data could be extracted.", 16, "Data Parsing Error"
Goto ExitSub
End If
Case Else
'Any other character; add it to the buffer
gstrData = gstrData & strIn
End Select
'We are not receiving data
'Check for the STX character which indicates the start of a data block
Select Case Asc(strIn)
Case 2 'It's the STX character to indicate the start of data
'Clear the data buffer
gstrData = ""
'Set the receiving flag
gintRx911 = True
Case Else
'Do nothing - ignore the character
End Select
End If
Case comEvSend 'There are SThreshold number of characters in the transmit buffer
'Do nothing
Case comEvEof 'An EOF charater was found in the input stream
'Do nothing
End Select

'If an error occurred, report it
If intErr > 0 Then
'Set the receive flag to False
gintRx911 = False
'Clear the data buffer
gstrData = ""
strErrMsg = strErrMsg & fAddCF(2) & "The incident report record could not be created."
'Raise the error
Error intErr, strErrMsg
End If

Goto ExitSub

Msgbox "Error " & Format$(Err, "#0") & " - message: " & Error$, 16, "COM Port Error"
Resume ExitSub


End Sub

Paul Bent
Northwind IT Systems
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