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Advice needed on Double Layer Firewall

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May 26, 2001
I have a PIX 515R which I use at home at present (on loan from work for last 1.5 years) I need a double layer Firewall (British MOD Request) so that I can use the Army mail encryption software on my clients so that we can receive restricted mail.
The first problem is I have a OWA server that is Exchange 2000 and Winblows 2000 and is obviously a AD server so therefore needs quite a few ports open from the DMZ to the 3 Internal AD servers and I need the internal clients to access there mail both internally using Outlook and externally using OWA.
The question is where would the best place to use the PIX be:
>>>>internet ---> PIX515R ----> OWA server ----> (some firewall that someone can recommend)----> Internal network.
>>>>internet ---> some firewall that someone can recommend ----> OWA server ----> PIX515R ----> Internal network.

and what Firewall would you recommend as I have to have two different firewalls in this configuration I am open to Linux suggestions.

Next question would it be more secure to use a pure web server in the DMZ (in place of exchange server) and use the exchange filter (.dll for OWA comunications)

next question I have two internet connections a static IP cable modem and a Leased line that has static IP's also is there a way to allow the pix to do load balancing (the PIX has three interfaces)

Sean Chambers

I'd put the PIX on the internet facing connection and then run the other firewall internally. In terms of other FW platforms, does it need to be accredited? If so, your options are more limited. If not, take a look at smoothwall.org for a Linux solution and Wingate is pretty good if you want a W2k based box.

I'd move the exchange server inside the protected network and run a pure web server for OWA. However, I'd need to have a word with my mail specialist and get back to you on the exact techy bits for this.


I agree with hoinvip, I would use a pure webserver in the DMZ and allow only the webserver to talk to the internal exchange box.

Use ACLs to limit the traffic between the two of them.
For multiple inline firewalls like this, keep in mind the "norandomseq" option for your "nat" and "static" commands. It may save you some headaches.

This is from the Cisco site:

norandomseq - Do not randomize the TCP/IP packet's sequence number. Only use this option if another inline firewall is also randomizing sequence numbers and the result is scrambling the data. Use of this option opens a security hole in the PIX Firewall.

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