I really need some advice on the following, ill try and keep it a short as poss:
currently working on a site where people register all their information to take part in a training prog.
Payments for this programme have to be made offline after information has been given.
once payment received the user will be able to access a secure area on the site to access workbooks etc.
This is how i plan on doing it:
note: am fairly new to php mysql and .htacces
1. The user registers all their info which is stored in a database name, tel, address etc- no problem
2. When payment is received by phone/post they are given a username and password by customer services.
I have set this up so customer services log in through a .htaccess directory to a page which allows them to fill in a form giving the customer a username and password which is then written to the already existing database.
How do i make sure that when the users username and password is written to the database it will go to the corresponding customer?
do you know what i mean??
Thanks for any advice
I really need some advice on the following, ill try and keep it a short as poss:
currently working on a site where people register all their information to take part in a training prog.
Payments for this programme have to be made offline after information has been given.
once payment received the user will be able to access a secure area on the site to access workbooks etc.
This is how i plan on doing it:
note: am fairly new to php mysql and .htacces
1. The user registers all their info which is stored in a database name, tel, address etc- no problem
2. When payment is received by phone/post they are given a username and password by customer services.
I have set this up so customer services log in through a .htaccess directory to a page which allows them to fill in a form giving the customer a username and password which is then written to the already existing database.
How do i make sure that when the users username and password is written to the database it will go to the corresponding customer?
do you know what i mean??
Thanks for any advice