I have a little problem with the voicemail to email option.
I have a 3300 (MCD4.0sp1) and programmed the voicemail-to-email function on a mailbox. Everything works.
However, the timezone is inaccurate, 5 hours offset.
The 3300 is on the right time, my windows2003server is on the right time, but the emails send by the mitel have a +5 hour difference.
The info/error in the maintenance logs is:
CSMTPClientMsg::SendDate - Unable to get Time Zone
Anyone have a solutions for this?
I have a little problem with the voicemail to email option.
I have a 3300 (MCD4.0sp1) and programmed the voicemail-to-email function on a mailbox. Everything works.
However, the timezone is inaccurate, 5 hours offset.
The 3300 is on the right time, my windows2003server is on the right time, but the emails send by the mitel have a +5 hour difference.
The info/error in the maintenance logs is:
CSMTPClientMsg::SendDate - Unable to get Time Zone
Anyone have a solutions for this?