Looking for a guide "Advanced Pizza Feature Focus Guide" anyone have this guide? I am wanting to setup Aloha for my pizza shop, I have quick service lic and have installed/configured 12.3.48 and NAM (secondhand system)(with the help of Ross (Thanks Ross) Cleaned up the old coffee shop database and now ready to get started on the new pizza shop database, but would like the above mentioned guide to help me out? (if some kind person has also got a sample pizza shop database I wouldn't say no
). The guide was mentioned in the online help but with no reference of where to actually obtain it? does it actually exist/ or do I have my wires crossed. I am lic for 12.x so if anyone also has the latest 12.x version that would also be great!
I would ask the POS guys that originally setup this system but 7 times trying to just get the licence cert/information from them has lead to 7 times they have just ignored me, even when I also requested pricing on the takeout module! so given up at the moment!
Enjoying the challenge! but would also enjoy some help please. cheers
I would ask the POS guys that originally setup this system but 7 times trying to just get the licence cert/information from them has lead to 7 times they have just ignored me, even when I also requested pricing on the takeout module! so given up at the moment!
Enjoying the challenge! but would also enjoy some help please. cheers