Want to use percent call allocation between 2 sites for calls to 1 main toll free number; 800-939-2222. For 1st site, have 150 trunks for 800-939-2222. It has Advanced Features and a Route-It TERM G000. For 2nd site, Telco said to set up new trunk group of 150 lines with a non Advanced Features toll free number; 888-234-2323 to just have for testing the trunks and then add main toll free number 800-939-2222 as secondary number in Trunk group with AdvFeatures and TERM G001. Is this really gaining me anything -adding the main number as a secondary in trunk group or could I just have added the test TF# and set it up with AdvFeatures and call allocate main# 800-939-2222 to that term? I don't understand the value of having a secondary number in trunk group. Thanks for any info.