I am writing an application in PHP that I am trying to tie in with our NT Domain Security. Working from the Microsoft ADSI information pages I have managed to get some things to work such as getting user information. I.E. Users full name, etc.
The problem I am having is to do with getting a list of users that are in a specific group.
The code I currently have is:
$o_Group = new COM("WinNT://DOMAINNAME/GROUP"
$o_Group->Members->Filter = array("user"
foreach($o_Group as $s_Member) {
echo "$s_Member->Name<br>\n";
I get the following error message when I try to run it.
Warning: PropGet() failed: Member not found.
The weird thing is Member is not the property I am looking for but Members.
Any body have any idea?
I am writing an application in PHP that I am trying to tie in with our NT Domain Security. Working from the Microsoft ADSI information pages I have managed to get some things to work such as getting user information. I.E. Users full name, etc.
The problem I am having is to do with getting a list of users that are in a specific group.
The code I currently have is:
$o_Group = new COM("WinNT://DOMAINNAME/GROUP"
$o_Group->Members->Filter = array("user"
foreach($o_Group as $s_Member) {
echo "$s_Member->Name<br>\n";
I get the following error message when I try to run it.
Warning: PropGet() failed: Member not found.
The weird thing is Member is not the property I am looking for but Members.
Any body have any idea?