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ADODB.Recordset Error

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Oct 11, 2006
I have 2 divs in my page. I click on an employee and it passes that EmpID to that the below SQL and shows the list of reports in the 2nd div. When I test the SQL to see what is passing, I see that the query is working right and so is the querystring that is being passed.

But when I comment out the "Response.End"

and I click on an Employee, then I get an error at line 25 which is :

rsPlan.open planSQL, Conn

The error I get is:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/scripts/getReports.asp, line 25

My code is:
strEmp_ID = request.querystring("q")

	If strEmp_ID = "" Then
		strEmp_ID = strEmpID
	End If

	Dim rsPlan
	Set rsPlan = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

	Dim planSQL
	planSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Report.PlanSetup, Report.Report, AMP.EmpID, AMP.DateOfPost " & _
		          "FROM Report INNER JOIN " & _
		          "PlanSetup ON Report.PlanSetup = PlanSetup.UniqueIdentifier INNER JOIN " & _
		          "AMP ON PlanSetup.DisplayName = AMP.PlanSetup " & _
		          "WHERE AMP.EmpID = " & strEmp_ID & " AND " & _
		          "AMP.DateOfPost IN (SELECT MAX(DateOfPost) FROM AMP WHERE EmpID = " & strEmp_ID & ") "

	Response.Write planSQL & "<br>"
	Response.Write strEmp_ID & "<br>"

Any ideas why I am getting the error. Thanks.
i dont see Conn object being set

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

But I have an include at the very top of my page where the connection is set in the dbconnect.asp

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