Technical User
I am trying to do a simple insert into a DB with classic ASP. When i have it do a response.write on the SQL you can see it below before it tryings to insert. The table is named, tbl_AssignedCodes with two fields which are both numbers. I have checked and double checked the spellings. That part is correct. I also took the SQL statement and ran that in the DB and it worked.
This part of the code that makes it work
INSERT INTO tbl_AssignedCodes (reg_id, TechCodeID) VALUES (177, 102)
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/convention/exhibitor/TechCodes.asp, line 30
This part of the code that makes it work
reg_id = CInt(request.QueryString("reg_id"))
CODEx=CInt(Request("CODE" & x))
SQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_AssignedCodes (reg_id, TechCodeID) "&_
"VALUES ("& reg_id &", "& CODEx &")"
response.write SQL & "<br>" SQL,0,2,1