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ADODB read table 1

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Technical User
Jan 28, 2006
I am new to VBA

I have a form that has a command button called cmdSubmit

that one click I want to connect to a Database called "NCAA"
stored at the following location "\\serv1\db\"

within the NCAA database I have a table call tblPatientLanguage
that contains two colomns "PatientID" and "Language"

I need to display the contents stored in both "PatientID" and "Language" in a msgbox

I have gotten as far as this

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Set rs = Nothing

any ideas on how to accomplish this task??

Newbie in search of knowledge

The following code defines some properties of the Recordset object, opens, loops all records despalyed with msgbox and closes it.

With rs
   .ActiveConnection = cn
   .CursorLocation = adUseServer
   .CursorType = adOpenStatic
   .LockType = adLockReadOnly
   .Source = "SELECT tblPatientLanguage.* FROM tblPatientLanguage"
   While Not .EOF
       Msgbox  "PatientID :" & .Fields("PatientID") & " and Language :"  & .Fields("Language")
End With

There are other ways to open a recordset. Place the cursor whereever you have a question about and press F1--> Help files is a good place to start reading.
Is there a reason to set up an ADODB connection on-the-fly? Unless the same table could possibly be accessed in several different databases would it not be easier to set up tblPatientLanguage as a linked table? Then you could just do
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblPatientLanguage.* FROM tblPatientLanguage"
With rs
  If .RecordCount > 0 Then
    Do While Not .EOF
      ..... something
End With

(Contract Code-monkey)

It's amazing how many ways there are to skin a cat
(apologies to the veggies)
Forgot the connection part...
Assuming access database. Commented lines handle user-level security
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
  .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
  .Properties("Data Source") = "\\serv1\db\NCAA.mdb"
'  .Properties("Jet OLEDB:System database") = "\\serv1\db\NCAA.mdw"
'  .Properties("User ID") = TheUserID
'  .Properties("Password") = ThePassword
'  .Properties("Persist Security Info") = False
  .Properties("Mode") = adModeShareDenyNone
End With
Why have "tblPatientLanguage.*" in the sql statemnt below?

.Source = "SELECT tblPatientLanguage.* FROM tblPatientLanguage"

does the statment below do the same thing

.Source = "SELECT * FROM tblPatientLanguage"

Newbie in search of knowledge
It does indeed and

.Source = "SELECT tblPatientLanguage.* FROM tblPatientLanguage"

could also be just

.Source = "SELECT PatientID, Language FROM tblPatientLanguage"

While Not .EOF
       MsgBox "PatientID :" & .Fields("PatientID") & " and Language :" & .Fields("LanguageID")

will print the contents of the table while not .EOF(End of File)

lets say that I have a text box on the form called txtPatientID and txtLanguageID

how can I add the value that is in these field to the table??

Newbie in search of knowledge
Using a recordset
With rs
   .ActiveConnection = cn
   .CursorLocation = adUseServer
   .CursorType = adForwardOnly
   .LockType = adLockOptimistic
   .Source = "SELECT PatientID, Language FROM tblPatientLanguage"
   .Fields("PatientID")= txtPatientID 
   .Fields(1)= txtLanguageID
End With

Or the connection object
cn.Execute "Insert Into tblPatientLanguage (PatientID, Language ) " & 
           "Values (" & txtPatientID & ", " & txtLanguageID  &")",,129
In my attempt to organize the code in a more moduler state I
Created a module called ConnectCloseDB that contains two funtions

OpenDB() and Close DB

Function OpenDB()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

With cn
  .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
  .Properties("Data Source") = "c:\Documents and Settings\cspence\Desktop\CHCB_Projects\NewAmericans.mdb"
'  .Properties("Jet OLEDB:System database") = "\\serv1\db\NCAA.mdw"
'  .Properties("User ID") = TheUserID
'  .Properties("Password") = ThePassword
'  .Properties("Persist Security Info") = False
  .Properties("Mode") = adModeShareDenyNone
End With

With rs
   .ActiveConnection = cn
   .CursorLocation = adUseServer
   .CursorType = adOpenStatic
   .LockType = adLockReadOnly
   .Source = "SELECT * FROM tblPatientLanguage"
End With

End Function

Function CloseDB()


End Function

And in the main form I left

Private Sub cmdSumbit_Click()


While Not .EOF
       MsgBox "PatientID :" & .Fields("PatientID") & " and Language :" & .Fields("LanguageID")

End Sub

I get the following error “ Complile Error: Invalid or unqualfied reference”

The debug leads me to .EOF

I thought by opening the database and accomplishing the recordset with OpenDB function that I would be able to run task to be able to add, edit and use msgbox.

What am I missing???

Newbie in search of knowledge
I figured out I have to make the function Global. But I have never done that before. How do you make a function Global?

Newbie in search of knowledge
Just put it in any code module, and instead of declaring it "Private" declare it "Public".
Public Sub FavouriteMessage()
    MsgBox "Hello World!"
End Sub

A little more help to clear things
Module Level
Option Explicit
Public cn As ADODB.Connection

Public Sub OpenDB()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenDB

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
  .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
  .Properties("Data Source") = "c:\Documents and Settings\cspence\Desktop\CHCB_Projects\NewAmericans.mdb"
'  .Properties("Jet OLEDB:System database") = "\\serv1\db\NCAA.mdw"
'  .Properties("User ID") = TheUserID
'  .Properties("Password") = ThePassword
'  .Properties("Persist Security Info") = False
  .Properties("Mode") = adModeShareDenyNone
End With

   Exit Sub

Dim OpenErr As ADODB.Error
Dim strErrors As String

For Each OpenErr In cn.Errors
   strErrors = strErrors & "Error No:" & OpenErr.ErrorNumber & _
               "Description :" & OpenErr.Description & _
               "Source :" & OpenErr.Source & _
               "NativeError :" & OpenErr.NativeError & _
               "SQLState :" & OpenErr.SQLState & vbNewLine
MsgBox strErrors, vbCritical, "Errors Opening DB"
Set cn = Nothing
Resume Exit_OpenDB

End Sub

Sub CloseDB()

If cn.State = adStateOpen Then cn.Close
Set cn = Nothing

End Sub
Private Sub cmdSumbit_Click()

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Call OpenDB

If cn.State = adStateOpen Then

   Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
   With rs
      .ActiveConnection = cn
      .CursorLocation = adUseServer
      .CursorType = adOpenStatic
      .LockType = adLockReadOnly
      .Source = "SELECT * FROM tblPatientLanguage"
       While Not .EOF
          MsgBox "PatientID :" & .Fields("PatientID") & " and Language :" & .Fields("LanguageID")
   End With
   Set rs = Nothing
End If

Be aware that if you need to update or add new records use appropriate values for CursroType, CursorLocation and LockType.
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