I have tried to get help on how I could access the AS/400 using ADODB and not has much luck!!
Does anyone have any code samples....
Need to access "QS36F" LIBRARRY.....
then "PARTDESC" FILE......
then the partdesc holds 2 fields
one is the PARTNO that I would do the search on
to pull the FL002 that holds the description
for the PARTNO....and place it in an excel worksheet
Does anyone have or know how to do this.
I have tried to get help on how I could access the AS/400 using ADODB and not has much luck!!
Does anyone have any code samples....
Need to access "QS36F" LIBRARRY.....
then "PARTDESC" FILE......
then the partdesc holds 2 fields
one is the PARTNO that I would do the search on
to pull the FL002 that holds the description
for the PARTNO....and place it in an excel worksheet
Does anyone have or know how to do this.