Ok, so here I am, writing a simple VB program in my free time. I'm hitting an Access 2000 database with DAO 3.6. I then decide, "ok, I think I'll add a reporting feature." Well, from what I can gather from MSDN CD, the only way to programmitcally change a report is using ADO. I'm like, ok, fine, whatever.<br><br>First question:<br><br>How do I setup an ADO connection to an Access 2000 object?<br> Currently, I have the following:<br><br>Dim db As New ADODB.Connection<br>Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset<br><br>db.ConnectionString = "provider=Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) ;uid=;pwd=;database=files.mdb"<br>db.Open<br><br>'Note the ConnectionString fits on one line in my code<br>'End Code<br><br>After I can connect to my database, I would like to create reports based on what is selected on my form...a dynamic sql statement if you will. <br><br>So right now, I have this: (follows the previous code)<br><br>SQL = "select * from files where type = '" & typecom & "' order by '" & ord & "'"<br>rs.Open SQL, db, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic<br><br>'Note the SQL assignment line fits on one line in my code.<br>'End Code<br><br>Then I want to manipuate the data report accordingly, which is where I lack any knowhow, so any information regarding this would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Thanks in advance