I've got a VB application running on Windows and a MySQL DB on a linux box. I connect to MySQL using ODBC, and have my Crystal Reports working nicely from the DB using ODBC.
I can create an ADO connection to the linux DB, and execute SQL against it, to add and delete records, modify columns, etc.
I want to use an ADO recordset and then have some VB code to modify fields as I process the recordset. As soon as I try to connect to the ADO recordset, with
rsOut.Open sTable, adoOut, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
I get an error that the connection type is not supported. I've tried the various ODBC connection options suggested in other threads, but with no luck.
Has anyone got this working?
Editor and Publisher of Crystal Clear
I can create an ADO connection to the linux DB, and execute SQL against it, to add and delete records, modify columns, etc.
I want to use an ADO recordset and then have some VB code to modify fields as I process the recordset. As soon as I try to connect to the ADO recordset, with
rsOut.Open sTable, adoOut, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
I get an error that the connection type is not supported. I've tried the various ODBC connection options suggested in other threads, but with no luck.
Has anyone got this working?
Editor and Publisher of Crystal Clear