Using acess and excel 2002, I have the below access vba that pulls data from local access tables and then adds the items to combo box on the excel sheet. (Connection lines omitted.)
This works brillantly a populates the excel combo with all the data, until you save and close the excel file and re-open it. Then all the data in the combo dropdown is gone.
Is there a way of making the items stay in the combo drop down even after the xl file has been closed and re-opened?
As a bit of background I was using a different method that dumped the data to an excel data sheet and the xl combo read from that but I found that the combo wouldn't update even via vba code and it would always show it's previous drop down values.
One thought I did have was to dump this data to xl like in the previous paragraph and then add vba to the excel that builds the items in the combos on the open event of the workbook. I wasn't too keen on this method as it means vba running on users PCs and this usuallys means all kinds of errors and problems.
Thanks for any help
Using acess and excel 2002, I have the below access vba that pulls data from local access tables and then adds the items to combo box on the excel sheet. (Connection lines omitted.)
This works brillantly a populates the excel combo with all the data, until you save and close the excel file and re-open it. Then all the data in the combo dropdown is gone.
Is there a way of making the items stay in the combo drop down even after the xl file has been closed and re-opened?
As a bit of background I was using a different method that dumped the data to an excel data sheet and the xl combo read from that but I found that the combo wouldn't update even via vba code and it would always show it's previous drop down values.
One thought I did have was to dump this data to xl like in the previous paragraph and then add vba to the excel that builds the items in the combos on the open event of the workbook. I wasn't too keen on this method as it means vba running on users PCs and this usuallys means all kinds of errors and problems.
Thanks for any help
rst.Source = "SELECT RTrim([tblNonComReport].chrFineName) FROM tblNonComReport WHERE tblNonComReport.dtmCalMondayStart = Date() - 2" & _
" GROUP BY tblNonComReport.chrFineName;"
rst.Open rst.Source, Con, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
For i = 1 To rst.RecordCount
Do While Not rst.EOF
acapp.Worksheets("Price Comparison").cboFD.AddItem rst.Fields(0)
Next i