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ADO query works in MS Access but not in ASP

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Sep 20, 2001
I have a problem with ADO.

I have made a function that searches in a database for some specific keywords.
The problem I have is that wen i copy the SQL query to the database that the ASP page opens, it works fine, it shows the results, but when the ASP page sends the Query string to the database, it returns no values.

the code is a bit long, but I include all of it, to make sure I dont forget anything...

In case you need all of it to help let me know and I will E-mail the database and the asp pages.

There are 2 ways of searching either by keywords or the document ID directly.
The Document ID works but not the keywords.

Any help would be higly appreciated.

Kind regards,
Brian Levinsen

<link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;style.css&quot; />
dim ftx
dim did
dim cat
dim lang
dim critstr
Dim critstrs()
dim critstrnr
Dim pos
dim prepos
critstrnr = 0

sub ShowResults()

set conn=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
Constr=&quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=&quot; & server.mappath(&quot;kb.mdb&quot;)
conn.Open Constr
set rs=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.recordset&quot;)

rs.open critstr, conn

if rs.eof then
	response.write(&quot;No entries found, please go <a class='two' href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>back</a> and modify your criteria.&quot;)

end if

end sub

sub buildcrit(crittype)
	select case crittype
		case &quot;full&quot;
			critstr=&quot;SELECT tbl_Documents.DocID, tbl_Documents.DateCreated, tbl_Documents.Title, tbl_Documents.Keywords FROM tbl_Documents WHERE ((&quot;
			pos = 1
			prepos = 1
			Do Until pos = 0
				redim preserve critstrs(critstrnr)
				prepos = pos
				pos = InStr(prepos + 1, ftx, &quot; &quot;)
				If pos = 0 Then
					critstrs(critstrnr) = Right(ftx, Len(ftx) - prepos + 1)
					critstrs(critstrnr) = Mid(ftx, prepos, pos - prepos)
					pos = pos + 1
					critstrnr = critstrnr + 1
				End If
			for Abe = 0 to critstrnr
				critstr = critstr & &quot;(tbl_Documents.Title) Like '*&quot; & critstrs(abe) & &quot;*' And &quot;
			critstr = left(critstr,len(critstr)-5)
			critstr = critstr & &quot;) AND ((tbl_Documents.CategoryID) Like '&quot; & cat & &quot;') AND ((tbl_Documents.LanguageID) Like '&quot; & lang & &quot;')&quot;
			critstr = critstr & &quot;) OR ((&quot;
			for Abe = 0 to critstrnr
				critstr = critstr & &quot;(tbl_Documents.Keywords) Like '*&quot; & critstrs(abe) & &quot;*' And &quot;
			critstr = left(critstr,len(critstr)-5)
			critstr = critstr & &quot;) AND ((tbl_Documents.CategoryID) Like '&quot; & cat & &quot;') AND ((tbl_Documents.LanguageID) Like '&quot; & lang & &quot;')&quot;
			critstr = critstr & &quot;) OR ((&quot;
			critstr = critstr & &quot;(tbl_Documents.CategoryID) Like '&quot; & cat & &quot;') AND ((tbl_Documents.LanguageID) Like '&quot; & lang & &quot;') AND (&quot;
			for Abe = 0 to critstrnr
				critstr = critstr & &quot;(tbl_Documents.Document) Like '*&quot; & critstrs(abe) & &quot;*' And &quot;
			critstr = left(critstr,len(critstr)-5)
			critstr = critstr & &quot;))&quot;
		case &quot;DocID&quot;
			critstr=&quot;SELECT DocID, DateCreated, Title, Keywords FROM tbl_Documents WHERE (((tbl_Documents.DocID) = &quot; & did & &quot;))&quot;
	end select
end sub
select case ftx
	case &quot;&quot;
		Select case did
			case &quot;&quot;
				response.write(&quot;<h4>No Query Entered, Please go <a class='two' href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>back</a> and enter a search criteria</h4>&quot;)
			case else
				call BuildCrit(&quot;DocID&quot;)
				call ShowResults()
		end select
	case else
		call BuildCrit(&quot;full&quot;)
		call ShowResults()
end select



That was my 25cent** of opinion.

** Inclusive Intrest, tax on interest, Genral tax, Enviromental tax, Tax, and tax on intrest, tax on fees, tax on tax, and other Various taxes and fees.

Well I don't belive it is that, because of 2 reasons.
1: It is an Access Database, not SQL database.
2: The other query works, but uses the same connection.

But I really can't get anywhere here? is there really no one out there who had this or know what goes wrong?


That was my 25cent** of opinion.

** Inclusive Intrest, tax on interest, Genral tax, Enviromental tax, Tax, and tax on intrest, tax on fees, tax on tax, and other Various taxes and fees.
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Part and Inventory Search

