Apr 2, 2001 #1 Deadline Programmer Feb 28, 2001 367 US Hi, How to say whether the ADO filter property has had an effect on the Underlying RecordSet ? I mean, what will be the result of applying filter, if there aren't any records satisfying the Filter Criterion ? How should I check it ? RR
Hi, How to say whether the ADO filter property has had an effect on the Underlying RecordSet ? I mean, what will be the result of applying filter, if there aren't any records satisfying the Filter Criterion ? How should I check it ? RR
Apr 2, 2001 #2 Swany Programmer Feb 19, 2001 208 US Your recordset will be empty if no records match your filter criterion. Upvote 0 Downvote
Apr 2, 2001 Thread starter #3 Deadline Programmer Feb 28, 2001 367 US Swany, Thank you very much. So, SHould I use rs.EOF or Rs.RecordCount or IsEmpty(rs) to check ? RR Upvote 0 Downvote
Apr 2, 2001 1 #4 jmarler Programmer Jan 29, 2001 679 US the best way to check to see if a recordset is empty is the following check . . . (rs.BOF AND rs.EOF) If the record set is both at the beginning of file AND the end of file, then it is empty. - Jeff Marler B-) Upvote 0 Downvote
the best way to check to see if a recordset is empty is the following check . . . (rs.BOF AND rs.EOF) If the record set is both at the beginning of file AND the end of file, then it is empty. - Jeff Marler B-)