The recordset(rs) default on a Form for a mdb is DAO and in an adp it is ADO. If you explicitly define the recordset object as DAO you can treat the rs as you have in the past.
The bookmark is comparable in ADO.
In the above case, you cannot set a Form recordset (DAO) to an ADO recordset, but the reverse will work. You can set a Form's recordset to an ADO recordset.
Dim yy As Access.Form
Set yy.Recordset = rs '- an ADO recordset
In your case, the simpliest is to go with the DAO recordset.
I thought that Microsoft were trying to make DAO obsolete, so i assumed that the above could be done using ADO, rather than having to use both. Nick (Everton Rool OK!)
On an Access Project (adp) the Form's recordset is ADO, so you can use Me.RecordsetClone on an ADO recordset. It is kind of confusing. The Form's recordset is still DAO on an mdb file.
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