I have a table in Access and a table in SQL/Server. I have set up an ADO connection to SQL server to populate my SQL Server table. I have set up a DAO connection to my Access table. I am accomplishing the upload by setting the value of each field in the SQL/Server record set to the value of my Access record set then using the .Addnew method on the SQL/Server record set.
This seems very slow. Is there a way to insert all of the records from my Access Table into the SQL/Server table through an insert statement? To accomplish this do I need to define my Access table as an ADO recordset? Looping through all of the records seems very inefficient.
This seems very slow. Is there a way to insert all of the records from my Access Table into the SQL/Server table through an insert statement? To accomplish this do I need to define my Access table as an ADO recordset? Looping through all of the records seems very inefficient.